It’s All Your Fault

For the first time at Galerie Templon Paris, the artist ROBIN KID (a.k.a. THE KID) presents in the Grenier Saint-Lazare space, a new exhibition titled It’s All Your Fault.

ROBIN KID – It’s All Your Fault, TEMPLON Paris, 2021
ROBIN KID – It’s All Your Fault, TEMPLON Paris, 2021

“In a world turned upside down, the “true” becomes a moment of the “false”.”

Guy Debord, The Society Of The Spectacle (1967)


“Rising nationalism, lockdowns, riots in the streets, five million likes for a cat playing the piano, Coronavirus, killings by police, Man going to Mars, cancel culture, kids locked up in cages, un-repairable climate change, re-runs of the Muppets and a muppet already re-running for president in four years…

We get the news delivered to the palm of our hands 24/7.

And we get it the way we like it, colored the way we want it. And the news is awful, overwhelming and desensitizing us. Infotainment is popping up “über alles” blurring cultural lines between truth and fiction, information and propaganda, importance and banality, democracy and hypocrisy.

And I’m addicted to it, I think we all are.

And like during the great depression, when people wanted to watch Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dance on expensive sets and live in a dream world, I too feel the need to create my own world to escape in and make sense of it all. A world built with the fragmented narratives of my generation’s “today” and my own melancholia for a carefree “yesterday”.

A world caught between childhood and adulthood, innocence and corruption. A world full of questions but without answers. A world in which our future already looks old.

By taking the Zeitgeist of today and breaking it apart into de-fragmented wall-relief paintings, sculptures and installations, I try to capture the despair and revulsion of my young generation and take a baseball bat to everything else.” ROBIN KID

Totem. B.01.120.BL.


  • It’s All Your Fault
  • It’s All Your Fault
  • It’s All Your Fault
  • It’s All Your Fault
  • It’s All Your Fault

The artist

ROBIN KID, a.k.a. THE KID, is an autodidact multidisciplinary artist from Dutch descent. His works hijack a variety of social, political and traditional imagery of the past and present, with rebellious, religious, fantastical and in some ways offensive undertones. He pulls intuitively from the world of advertising, the Internet, the entertainment industry and his childhood memories, to produce ambitious, enigmatic and thought-provoking narratives, which question the polarized world of the 21st century.

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