French artist François Rouan, known for his braided canvases, presents his latest “photographic-tableaux” at Galerie Templon, a group of forty previously unseen pieces.

Publication François Rouan — Après-coup
Years 2024
Texts Agnès Fabre
ISBN 9782917515600
Pages 135
Rate 28 € TTC
Cover Masque d'encre n°31, 2003-2022 (detail)
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“What place does photography occupy in the work of a painter who now seems to have abandoned the use of a camera to devote himself exclusively to revisiting old prints that may have been forgotten or neglected for many years? […] It is not the desire to ‘plunge into the depths of the unknown to find something new’ that gives new impetus to the work, but rather the constant quest for a gaze which has the faculty to discover what the eye cannot see” – Agnès Fabre

French artist François Rouan, presents for his latest exhibition at Galerie Templon his “photographic-tableaux”, a group of forty previously unseen pieces created since 2020.