Antoine Roegiers

The artist

Born in 1980 in Belgium, Antoine Roegiers lives and works in Paris. He fuses his knowledge of classic painting with contemporary animation techniques. Putting technology and his talent for drawing to good use, he breathes life into fantastical characters typical of the Flemish masters, taking liberties with them and inventing stories that never stay still.



Birth Born in 1980 in Braine-l’Alleud, Belgium
Residence Lives and works in France
Education 2002 - 2007
École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris (graduated with honors)


2020 Molière de la création visuelle pour la pièce “La mouche”. Creation of Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq
2012 Yishu 8 prize, Residence in China, Beijing
2007 Foundation Roger Bataille


2024 La grande parade, Templon, Paris, France
The flames of vanity, Robilant+Voena gallery, London, UK
2023 La brûlure de l’éveil, Templon, Brussels, Belgium
L’Embrasement, Keteleer Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
2020 À l’ombre des nuages – nos abris dérisoire, Wilde Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Le carnaval des géants, Suzanne Tarasieve, Paris, France
2019 Carnavals, Keteleer Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
2018 Carnavals, WILDE Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
2016 Solo show, Art Paris 2016, Art Bärtschi & Cie Gallery, Paris, France
Dessin au quartier Drouot Antoine Rogiers, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, France
2015 Le bal des géants, Art Bärtschi & Cie Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland

Voir plus

2013 Les sept péchés capitaux, Guy Bärtschi Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
La tentation des géants, Botanique, Brussels, Belgium
Les sept péchés capitaux, Praz Delavallade Gallery, France
2012 Les sept péchés capitaux, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille, France
Pékin : l’éveil, solo exhibition of the residence in Yishu 8, Beijing, China
Immanence : the video of Antoine Rogiers, Young Projects, Los Angeles, USA
2011 Loop Barcelona art fair 2011, Guy Bârtschi Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2010 Projection, Guy Bärtschi Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
2009 The Temptation of St. Anthony monitoring The Laboratory of Temptation, Noordbrabant Museum’s, Hertogenbosh, Holland
Solo show art Brussels 2009, Guy Bärtschi Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Two giants, le nain and me …, Guy Bärtschi Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland


2024 Miart, ROBILANT+VOENA Gallery, Milan, Italie
Hybrides, Cultuurhuis de Warande, Turnhout, Belgium
Effervescences, Château du Rivau, Lémeré, France
ENNOVA International Art Biennale, Ennova Art Museum, China
Le jour des peintres, Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France
Contemporary Allegory, Detroit, USA
2023 Immortelle, MO.CO, Montpellier, France
2022 Triple take, Wilde Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Oui, la peinture !, Suzanne Tarasieve Gallery, Paris, France
Tribute to Panamarenko, Keteleer Gallery, Otegem, Belgium
The circus we are, Namur, Belgium
Into the wilde, Wilde Gallery, Geneva), Switzerland
The painting show, Keteleer Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Winter is coming!, Wilde Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
2021 group show, Wilde Gallery, Basel, Switzerland
Le joker, un fou au pays des cartes, musée de la Carte à jouer, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Les apparences, À cent mètres du centre du monde, Perpignan, France
Art Paris 2021, Suzanne Tarasieve Gallery, Brussels, France
Hip hop 360, Cité de la musique Philharmonie de Paris, Paris, France
The winter show, Wilde Gallery, Gstaad, Switzerland
2020 The devil, perhaps. The world of the Brueghels, Museo San Telmoy, San Sebastián, Spain
Le goût de l’art, l’art du goût, Château du Rivau, Lémeré, France
Group show, Keteleer gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
El diablo, tal vez, Museo de bellas artes de asturias, Oviedo, Spain
The clown spirit, Ronny van de Velde Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
artgenève art fair 2020, Wilde Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
2019 Comeback. Art-historical Renaissance, in Kunst Halle Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Hommage à Leonardo, Château du Rivau, Lémeré, France
L’estampe au temps de Bruegel, Bozar/Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium
2018 El diablo, quizàs, dialogos con Breughel, in museo Nacional de es Cultura, Valladolid, Spain
Art on paper art fair, the Keteleer Gallery, Bozar, Brussels, Belgium
Vers de nouvelles aventures !, Suzanne Tarasieve, Paris, France
Bruxelles, Les rendez-vous de la galerie Suzanne Tarasieve #03, Brussels, Belgium
Pornocratès dans tous ses états, musée Félicien Rop, Namur, Belgium
Hybrides le corps imaginaire, Palacio Bellas Artes and Museo Nacional de Antropologia, Mexico, Mexico
The Raft. Art is (not) lonely, Mu.ZEE, Ostend, Belgium

Voir plus

2017 Friends & family, Eva Hober, Paris, France
He raft – art is (not) lonely, Mu.ZEE, Ostend, Belgium
La vie de château at château du Rivau, Lémeré, France
Vices & Vertus, musée des Arts anciens TreM.a, Namur, Belgium
L’héritage de Jérôme Bosch, Villa Vauban, Luxembourg
Electronics alive XI, The University of Tampa, Tampa Florida, USA
2016 Beyond Bosch: the afterlife of a Renaissance master in print, the Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, USA/ The Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis, USA (touring exhibition)
Ta.bu, Maison Particulière, Brussel, Belgium
Fantôme et médium, dialogue entre art médiéval et artistes contemporains, Château du Rivau, Lémeré, France
2015 The Seven Deadly Sins: pride, The Bruce Museum, Greenwich, USA
Chimère et merveilles, Château du Rivau, Le Coudray, France
Genç koleksiyonerler 2, Elgiz Museum, Istanbul, Turkey
Collective show IV, Guy Bärtschi Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Tout ce qui se fait sous le soleil, Le lieu unique, Nantes, France
2014 Des hommes et la forêt, Musée historique et des porcelaines, Nyon, Switzerland
Le secret, Château du Rivau, Le Coudray, France, les fantastiques flamands, 28eme Salon du livre et de la presse, Geneva, Switzerland
La grimace du monde – figures et paysages fantastiques – entre peintures et bandes dessinées du XVIe au XXIe siècles, le couvent saint Cécile, France
Confrontation, curator Marie Shek, Le minotaure Gallery/Alain le Gaillard Gallery, Paris, France
Antoine Rogiers / Elvis studio, at mediatheque du fonds d’art contemporain (fmac), Geneva, Switzerland
Démons et merveilles: josep baqué et autres créat(e)ur(e)s, Art & Marges musée, Brussels, Belgium
2013 Focus Breughel, at palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille, France
Babel, at botanique, Brussels, Belgium
Art Genève salon international d’art, in the new acquisitions of fmac & fcac – fonds d’art contemporain de la ville et du canton de Genève, Switzerland
Bosch, Bruegel, Rubens, Rembrandt, Albertina museum, Vienna, Austria
Painting and Contemporary media, Paço das artes, Sao Paulo, Brasil
Black box, curator Christophe Delavault, Salon du dessin (13), atelier Richelieu, Paris, France
Collective II, Guy Bärtschi Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Le prix canson s’expose, at Petit Palais, Paris, France
La belle peinture II, Palais Pisztory, Bratislava, Slovakia
Nuit Blanche video, (curated by y. Datnow, m. Morgensztern & m. Shek), Josh Lilley Gallery, London, United-Kingdom
Les visiteurs d’un soir, de l’atelier à Drouot, Drouot, Paris, France
La belle peinture II, curated by Eva Hober and Colette Pounia, Phoenix les halles, Port Louis, Île Maurice
2012 Wonderful, Humboldt, Krokodil & Polke, die Olbricht collection, me collectors room Berlin, Germany
Beyond time – international video art today, at Kulturhuset museum, Stockholm, Sweden
Lineamenta, at beacon arts building, Los Angeles, USA
2011 Mémoires du futur, la collection Thomas Olbricht, la Maison Rouge, Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris, France
Le Louvre revisité par l’art contemporain, lab-labanque, Bethune, France
Art platform Los Angeles, represented in the Epson video lounge, curated by Paul Young, Los Angeles, USA
24 fps vol.2: Abramovic, Beuys, Carter, Mastrovito, Nauman, Rhode, Roegiers, Shaw, 1000 Eventy Gallery, Milan, Italy
2010 Leben lust und Totentanz, Thomas Olbricht collection, Kunst Halle krems, Krems, Austria
20 years! Anniversary exhibition of the Guy Bärtschi Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
2009 Félicien Marbeuf (1852 – 1924), fondation d’entreprise Ricard, Paris, France
2008 Projections, collective exhibition for the ten years of the 19, Regional center of contemporary art Montbéliard, France
2007 Dix 7 en zero 7, exhibition of graduate with honors of fine arts in Paris, France
Prize Foundation Roger Bataille
Les rendez-vous du quai, school of art in Belfort, France
2006 Les rendez-vous du quai, Grands Bains Douche de la plaine, Marseille, France
250th anniversary of the transfer of Sèvres factory, Sevres Factory, Paris, France
Filmés au Louvre, auditorium of Louvre museum, Paris, France
La fabrique du dessin, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, France
2003 European painting award of the Frissiras museum contemporary, Frissiras museum, Athens, Greece
Rococo and Co, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France
Prix de dessin David Weill, participation, Academy of fine arts, Paris, France
Painting in progress, Maison des arts de Créteil, Créteil, France


Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, France
Fondation d’art contemporain Daniel et Florence Guerlain, Paris, France
Me Collectors Room Berlin / Olbricht Foundation, Berlin, Germany
Fonds d’Art Contemporain de la Ville de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland
Collection Mirabaud, Genève, Zurich, Paris, Luxembourg and Madrid
Collections du ministère de la Communauté française de Belgique (Collection du Service des Arts plastiques), Belgium


Video creation for theater play – « LA MOUCHE » staging by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq (Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord) with Christian Hecq de la Comédie-Française, Valérie Lesort, Christine Murillo, Stephan Wojtowicz, 2020
Lauréat de 3 Molières
– « LA LISTE DE MES ENVIES » by Grégoire Delacourt, staging by Anne Bouvier (Ciné 13 Théâtre, Théâtre des Béliers Parisiens, Théâtre des Béliers Avignon) with Mikaël Chirinian, 2013/2014
Clip realisation for ROCÉ (Ma saleté d’espérance) and RIDAN (UlYSSE) 2006/2007


My Modern Met - January 2025

Surreal Oil Paintings Depict a World Consumed by Catastrophic Forest Fires

Le Tribune - January 2025

Camille Chamoux "Je ne compte plus les fois oú je me suis bagarrée avec des mecs" - December 2024

Points forts de Antoine Roegiers : Le Grand Palais

Actuart - December 2024

Antoine Roegiers "Le Grande Parade"

Le Soir - December, 2023

Chez Templon, le monde apocalyptique d'Antoine Roegiers

Jean-Marie Wynants

Transfuge - December, 2023

La brûlure de l'éveil

Damien Aubel


Antoine Roegiers

Group show

Ennova Art Museum, China
From October 26, 2024 to April 30, 2025

On the occasion of the ENNOVA International Art Biennale, curated by Fumio Nanjo, Antoine Roegiers exhibits his worksCarnavals and Le Baiser from October 26, 2024.

Abdelkader Benchamma
Philippe Cognée
Bilal Hamdad
Antoine Roegiers

Group show

Musée d'Orsay, Paris
September 19, 2024

On the occasion of the group show Le jour des peintres, Abdelkader Benchamma, Philippe Cognée, Bilal Hamdad and Antoine Roegiers will be exhibiting their works at the Musée d’Orsay on September 19, 2024 from 2pm to 9.30pm. Orchestrated by the artist Thomas Lévy-Lasne, the event will bring together eighty contemporary painters alongside one of their works in the museum’s galleries.

Antoine Roegiers

Group show

Château du Rivau
From April 1 to November 11, 2024

On the occasion of the group show Effervescences, curated by Patricia Laigneau, Antoine Roegiers is exhibiting his work at the Château River in France until November 11, 2024.

Antoine Roegiers

Group show

Wasserman Projects, Detroit
Until March 9, 2024

On the occasion of the group show Contemporary Allegory, in conjunction and conversation with Ken Aptekar’s series of Illuminated Manuscripts in the Age of Social Media and Texting, Antoine Roegiers is exhibiting his works until March 9, 2024 at Wasserman Projects in Detroit.