
The artist

The sculptor César was born in Marseilles in 1921 and died in Paris in 1998. He is best-known for his compressions of everyday objects, polyurethane foam expansions and human imprints that question both the consumer society and aesthetic categories. He was at the forefront of the Nouveau Réalisme movement, which he joined in 1961. He is considered as one of the most important 20th-century French sculptors.



Born in 1921 in Marseille, France
Died in 1998 in Paris, France


César, La rétrospective, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France

César, les inédits – collection Jean Ferrero, Villa Domergue, Canne, France
César, une histoire méditerranéenne, Musée Mohammed VI d’art moderne et contemporain, Rabat, Morocco

César, Galerie Luxembourg & Dayan, New York, USA
César à Marseille, Musée Cantini, Marseille, France

César, L’empreinte, Eléphant Paname, Paris, France
César à Marseille, Musée Cantini, Marseille, France

César, Anthologie par Jean Nouvel, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris, France

Musée national des Arts Visuels, Montevideo, Uruguay
Musée brésilien de la Culture, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Portraits – Autoportraits, Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris, France
Fondation Mudima, Milan, Italy
Musée Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City, Mexico
Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden

Les Championnes de César, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Jouy-en-Josas, France

Les Fers de César, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Jouy-en-Josas, France

Fondation Seibu et Musée Ottara, Japan

Rétrospective, Musée d’art moderne, Liège, Belgium
Espcae Niçois d’Art et de Culture, Nice, France

Portraits de Compressions, Nice, France and Tokyo, Japan
Rétrospective, Musée Picasso, Antibes, France

Rétrospective des sculptures, travelling exhibition : Museum of Art and History, Rath Museum, Geneva, Switzerland ; Musée de Grenoble, France ; Boymans Museum, Rotterdam, The Netherlands ; Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris, France

Rétrospective César, Rotonda della Besana, Milan, Italy

Tête à Têtes, Galerie Creuzevault, Paris, France
Rétrospective César, Centre culturel de Romainville, France

César 72, Musée Cantini, Marseilles, France
Motos, Galerie Mathias Fels, Paris, France
Compressions acryliques, Galerie Lucien Durand, Paris, France

Fers 1950-1960, galerie Creuzevault, Paris, France
Plastiques, Fondation Sonja Henie, Oslo, Norway
Kunsthalle, Hambourg, Germany
Maison de la culture, Rennes, France

César, plastiques, Centre National d’Art contemporain, Paris, France

César, compressions, Galerie Mathias Fels, Paris, France
César chez Daum, Musée des Arts décoratifs, Paris, France

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Wilhem Lehmbruck Museum, Duisbourg, Germany
Rétrospective, Musée Cantini, Marseilles, France

Sculpture 1953-1961, Saidenberg gallery, New York, USA

Cesar recent sculpture, Hanover Gallery, London, UK

Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy

Galerie Lucien Durand, Paris, France


Bêtes de Scène, Fondation Villa Datris, L´Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, France

The Street. Where the World is Made, MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, Italy
Collection Albers-Honegger Mouvements !, Espace de l’art concret, Mouans Sartoux, France
Abstracting the Real, Opera Gallery – Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Prepojené sklom, Liptovská galéria Petra Michala Bohúňa, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia
Pablo Picasso & la Donation Albers-Honergger Picasso à tous les étages, Espace de l’art concret, Mouans Sartoux, France
Dialoghi, Studio Gariboldi, Milan, Italy

Magritte, Broodthaers & Contemporary Art, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium
Das Auto In Der Kunst. Rasende Leidenschaft, Kunsthalle in Emden, Emden, Germany
Small SizeCentro de Arte Moderna e Contemporanea della Spezia (CAMeC), La Spezia, Italy
Peindre comme je bougeles Abattoirs – FRAC Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France
It’s More Fun To Compete, MAC Musées d´Art Contemporain Marseille, Marseille, France
Truchement, Le Consortium, Dijon, France
Autour du Nouveau Réalisme, les Abattoirs – FRAC Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France

Maggiore Design Image, form and style, Galleria d’Arte Maggiore, Bologna, Italy
Piston Head II – Artists Engage the Automobile, Venus Over Manhattan – Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
El Nuevo Realismo, Centre Pompidou Malaga, Málaga, Spain
My Body Is a Cage, MAC’s Grand Hornu – Musée des Arts Contemporains, Hornu, Belgium
Origines et horizon. La Collection d’art Nestlé, Musée Jenisch, Vevey, Switzerland
La Lune En Rodage, Studio Guastalla, Milan, Italy
Impressionen aus 25 Jahren, Galerie SOON, Bern, Switzerland2016
Daum, Variations d’artistes, Espace Dali, Paris, France

To Be Is To Weave 100 Artist Threads From The Canclini Collection, Fondazione Stelline, Milan, Italy
Métamorphoses, Musée Museum Départemental de Gap, Gap, France
Paulin, Paulin, Paulin, Galerie Perrotin – Paris, Paris, France
Impatto 2.0Museo Nazionale Atestino, Este, Italy
Tele-Gen – Kunst Und Fernsehen, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Accrochage – Hommage a Andre Derain, Galerie Patrice Trigano, Paris, France
Exposition de Groupe, Gallery JCM Billy, La Baule, France
… nel Blu dipinto di Blu… da Yves Klein, la magia di un colore nell’arte contemporanea, MACA – Museo Arte Contemporanea Acri, Acri, Italy
Carambolages, Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois, Paris, France
Arman and Cesar, Allan Stone Projects, New York City, NY, USA

Sculptors’ Jewellery, Gallery Pangolin, Chalford, United Kingdom
Il destino delle cose, La Giarina – Arte Contemporanea, Verona, Italy
Le choix de la modernité. Rodin, Lam, Picasso, Bacon, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, Lyon, France
Ripensare le collezioni: la scultura, Centro de Arte Moderna e Contemporanea della Spezia (CAMeC), La Spezia, Italy
Dis-Functional, Allan Stone Projects, New York City, NY, USA
Face à l’œuvre, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul, France
Formes simples, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz, France
A Inusitada, Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand (MASP), São Paulo, Brazil
Existenzielle Bildwelten – Sammlung Reinking, Weserburg | Museum für moderne Kunst, Bremen, Germany
Sculptures du Sud, Fondation Villa Datris, L´Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, France
Quand la matière devient forme, Musée Museum Départemental de Gap, Gap, France
Vivid Memories, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris, France
Dr Albert Delucq, Galerie Mathias Coullaud, Paris, France
Pliage / Fold, Gagosian Gallery, Paris, France
Carte Blanche, Pace Gallery Chesa Büsin, Zuoz, Switzerland
Avec et sans peinture, Musée d´art contemporain du Val-de-Marne MAC/ValVitry-sur-Seine, France
Strike(s), Nahmad Contemporary, New York City, NY, USA

Piston Head: Artists Engage the Automobile, Venus Over Manhattan – New York City, New York City, NY, USA
Adventures of truth – Painting and philosophy, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul, France
Kilomètres/heure – Utopies automobiles et ferroviaires (1913-2013), Musée du château des Ducs de Wurtemberg, Montbéliard, France
Sculpture After 1945. The Curator, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium
Moving – Norman Foster On Art, Carré d’art – Musée d´art contemporain de Nîmes, Nîmes, France
Poétique D’objets – Laac, Lieu d’Art et Action Contemporaine de Dunkerque (LAAC), Dunkerque, France
from picasso to koons: the artist as jeweler, Bass Museum of Art, Miami, FL, USA

Dans l’oeil du spectateur, Espace de l’art concret, Mouans Sartoux, France
The Nature Of Disappearance: Part 2Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York City, NY, USA
Nouveau Réalisme, Luxembourg & Dayan – London, London, United Kingdom
Selection d’oeuvres modernes et contemporaines, Messine Galerie & Conseil, Paris, France
From Picasso to Koons. Artist’s Jewellery, Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece
Paintings – Face to Face – Works from the Collection of the Kuntsi Foundation and the Swanljung Collection, Kuntsi Museum of Modern Art, Vaasa, Finland
À rebours, Venus Over Manhattan – New York City, New York City, NY, USA
Ein Wald der Skulpturen, Opelvillen, Rüsselsheim, Germany
Inauguration – 2 Avenue Matignon, Galerie Laurent Strouk, Paris, France
À l’origine, Nice…Marlborough Monaco, Monaco Monaco
Détournements, Keitelman Gallery, Brussels, Belgium

Exposition Art Moderne & Contemporain, Espace Nelombos, Geneva, Switzerland
Grisaille, Luxembourg & Dayan – New York, New York City, NY, USA
La couleur en avant, Musee d´Art Moderne et d`Art Contemporain Nice (MAMAC), Nice, France
Accrochage De Groupe Une Sélection D’artistes…Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris, France

Das Ohr von Giacometti (Post-), Surreale Kunst von Meret Oppenheim bis Mariella Mosler, LEVY Galerie, Hamburg, Germany
Centre Pompidou in the State Hermitage Museum, The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Gran Reserva, Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende, Santiago, Chile
Press Art – Sammlung Annette und Peter Nobel, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, Austria
Ecce Homo Ludens, Musée Régional D’Art Contemporain Languedoc-Roussillon, Sérignan, France
Nuevos Realismos: 1957-62. Estrategias del objeto, entre readymade y espectáculo, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain
ART LOFT Fine Art zu Gast bei Galerie Wild Zürich, Galerie Wild – Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
Le sentiment de la maison, Fondation Vincent Van Gogh, Arles, France
Accumulation, Allan Stone Projects, New York City, NY, USA
Choices VII, Galerie SOON, Bern, Switzerland

Eating the Universe. Vom Essen in der Kunst, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Dusseldorf, Germany
Collagen Sammeln, Kunstverein Augsburg e.V.Augsburg, Germany
a Hartung a Warhol. Presenze internazionali nella collezione Cozzani. Opere dalle raccolte del CAMeC, Centro de Arte Moderna e Contemporanea della Spezia (CAMeC), La Spezia, Italy
A França no MACMuseu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo (MAC/USP), São Paulo, Brazil
Weltanschauung Visione Del Mondo, Art Forum Würth Capena, Capena, Italy
Love Letters: ampliamento e allestimento della nuova collezione del MACRO, MACRO Museo d´Arte Contemporanea Roma, Rome, Italy
Andy Warhol, Arman, Cesar, Salvador Dali, Charles Matton, & Rodin, Found Museum, Beijing, China
Glasstress 2009, Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, Venice, Italy
Da Hartung a Warhol, Centro de Arte Moderna e Contemporanea della Spezia (CAMeC), La Spezia, Italy
Trivial Abstract, Villa Arson, Nice, France
Vivre l’art – collection Venet, Espace de l’art concret, Mouans Sartoux, France

A Forest of Sculptures. The Simon Spierer Collection, National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest, Romania
Heavy Metal. Die unerklärliche Leichtigkeit eines Materials, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Not Only Multiples, Galleria Guastalla Centro Arte, Livorno, Italy
Curiosität, Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp, Belgium
The essence of earth in art, Galleria d’Arte Maggiore, Bologna, Italy
Exposition V – Nouvel Accrochage – Selection D’œuvres, Art Collection S.à r.l, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Skulpturen im Blickpunkt, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
The Story Goes On – Contemporary Artists in the Wake of Van Gogh, MODEM Centre for Modern and Contemporary Arts, Debrecen, Hungary

Wenn Handlungen Form werden – Ein neuer Realismus in der Kunst seit den fünfziger Jahren, Neues Museum – Staatliches Museum für Kunst und Design in Nürnberg, Nuremberg, Germany
Match Race – Modernistic remixes between now and then, KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg, Denmark
Collectors 1 – Collezione La Gaia, Cesac – Centro Sperimentale per le Arti Contemporanee, Caraglio, Italy
News on Paper, Burkhard Eikelmann Com, Dusseldorf, Germany
100 Jahre Kunsthalle Mannheim, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
Le Nouveau Réalisme, Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, France
Peggy Guggenheim. Un amore per la scultura, Fondazione Cariverona, Verona, Italy
The exhibition for children: Noah’s Ark, National Museum of Contemporary Art Korea – Gwacheon, Gwacheon, South Korea

Figures et Portraits, Galerie Stella & Vega, Brest, France
Selecció del fons de la galeria, Art Vall, Andorra la Vella, Andorra
busy going crazy. the Sylvio Perlstein collection, La Maison Rouge, Paris, France
Was ist Plastik? 100 Jahre – 100 Köpfe- Das Jahrhundert moderner Skulptur, Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany
Die Gesichter hinter den Bilden, The Columns, Seoul, South Korea
Weltanschauung- Visione del mondo, Riso – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea della Sicilia, Palermo, Italy
Full House – Gesichter einer Sammlung, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany

Schöner LebenKunsthalle Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Réouverture du LAACLieu d’Art et Action Contemporaine de Dunkerque (LAAC), Dunkerque, France
Memoire de la liberte, Galerie tazl., Weiz, Austria
El estado de las cosas – El objeto en el arte desde 1960 hasta nuestros días, ARTIUM – Basque Museum Center of Contemporary Art, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Exposition de groupe, Galerie Laurent Strouk, Paris, France

CUBISM AND ITS LEGACY – The Gift of Gustav and Elly Kahnweiler, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Attraversare Genova. Percorsi e linguaggi internazionali del contemporaneo., Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genoa, Italy
The state of the things. The object in art from 1960 to the present day, Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo (MARCO), Vigo, Spain
Sculptures Monumentales à Saint Tropez, Marlborough Monaco, Monaco, Monaco
La sculpture des années 50-70Galerie Eva Meyer, Paris, France
Images Pop, Galerie Sonia Zannettacci, Geneva, Switzerland
Gilli & Co.Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
Atelier AJousse Entreprise, Paris, France
Frankreich – Bilder, Zeichnungen, Druckgrafiken, Skulpturen und Fotografien, Galerie Ariadne – Thomas Netusil Kunsthandel, Vienna, Austria
Roma, London, Paris, Galleria Il Ponte, Florence, Italy

Da Modigliani al contemporaneo. Scultura dalle Collezioni Guggenheim., Fondazione Fotografia Modena, Modena, Italy
Da Modigliani al contemporaneo. Scultura dalle collezioni Guggenheim, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, Modena, Italy
L’ état des choses (Trésors publics / 20 ans des Frac)Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, Nantes, France

Herbst- / Winterkollektion 2002, Galerie Ariadne – Thomas Netusil Kunsthandel, Vienna, Austria
Jacques Damase Fait Son Cirque, Passage de Retz, Paris, France
Couleurs en trois dimensions, Artiscope, Brussels, Belgium
Themes and Variations. Post-war Art from the Guggenheim Collections., Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy

The Human Figure in Modern Sculpture, PLATEAU – Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea
Silver, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York City, NY, USA
Hellzapopin 1 bis, Mamco – musée d´art moderne et contemporain, Geneva, Switzerland
Aux alentours de Nice, Marlborough Monaco, Monaco, Monaco
Von Macke bis Picasso – Meisterwerke der Moderne, Kunsthalle Krems, Krems, Austria

Fortieth Anniversary of the Allan Stone Gallery, Allan Stone Projects, New York City, NY, USA
Narcisse Blesse, Passage de Retz, Paris, France

VEHICULES: César – Tinguely, Museum Tinguely, Basel, Switzerland
Made in France, Artsonje Center, Seoul, South Korea

Le droit de rêver, Espace de l’art concret, Mouans Sartoux, France
Usporednosti – 12 Francuskih Umjetnika, The Museum of Modern Art Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Fetiches & Fetichismes, Passage de Retz, Paris, France
80 artistes autour du Mondial, Galerie Enrico Navarra, Paris, France
The ’60s in the Seventies, Ubu Gallery, New York City, NY, USA

ARTE MODERNA CONTEMPORANEA, Galleria La Fenice, Sassari, Italy
Plastik – Eine Ausstellung zeitgenössischer Skulptur, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany
Dramatically different, Le Magasin – Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Grenoble, France

MAESTRI INTERNAZIONALI ” opere anni 80 – 90 “, Galleria La Fenice, Sassari, Italy
Des artistes des mouvements, Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales (MNAV)Montevideo, Uruguay
Quelques impressions d’Afrique, Galerie Beaubourg, Vence, France
Moderna Museet Stockholm zu Gast in Bonn Die großen Sammlungen IV, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany
Comme un oiseauFondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris, France
18 Kunstenere Malerier & Skulpturer, Galleri Haaken, Oslo, Norway

Pop Art – Topstukken uit de ‘Collectie Nederland’, Kunsthal Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Vue du collectionneur, Espace de l’art concret, Mouans Sartoux, France
PERCORSI INTERNAZIONALI, Galleria La Fenice, Sassari, Italy
Statues pour un jardin, Donjon de Vez, Vez, France

ARTE INTERNAZIONALE ” Cesar – J .Mirò – N. Saint Phalle – F.Sanna – V. Vasarely -, Galleria La Fenice, Sassari, Italy
L’esprit Dada ou la fin de la composition. hommage à Marcelle Cahn, Espace de l’art concret, Mouans Sartoux, France

Arte Pop, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain
Zufall als Prinzip , Spielwlt, Methode und System in der Kunst des 20.Jahrhund., Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen, Germany

Dal figurativo all informale, Galleria La Fenice, Sassari, Italy
Pop Art, Royal Academy of Arts, London, United Kingdom
La Sculpture Contemporaine après 1970, Fondation Daniel Templon, Fréjus, France
SEI PER UNA MOSTRA – TRE PIU TRE, Galleria La Fenice, Sassari, Italy


Exposition Inaugurale, Fondation Daniel Templon, Fréjus, France
Une histoire de collections : dons 1984-1989, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada
L’auto: mobile de l’art, Galerie Sonia Zannettacci, Geneva, Switzerland

Arte moderna Internazionale, Galleria La Fenice, Sassari, Italy
The Artist Palate, Michel Soskine Inc. – New York, New York City, NY, USA
20Th Century Modern Art and Tapestry, Gana Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Fifty Years of Collecting, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City, NY, USA
Arte Internazionale Arman – Cesar – S. Francis – G. Grosz – P. Picasso – R. Rauschenberg – F. Sanna – E. Scanavino, Galleria La Fenice, Sassari, Italy

Arte Moderna Internazionale – Arman – Cesar – J. Miro – N. Saint Phalle – F. Sanna -Galleria La Fenice, Sassari, Italy

Mostra collettiva di grandi maestri Internazionali, Galleria La Fenice, Sassari, Italy
Sculptures, First Approach For A Park, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris, France
Opere su carta, Galleria La Fenice, Sassari, Italy

Creation – Modern Art And Nature, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Collection Château Mouton Rothschild 1945-1978, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada

Nouveau Réalisme, Galerie Heinz Holtmann, Cologne, Germany

Metamorphose de Dinges, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Metamorphose de Dinges, Palazzo Reale, Milan, Italy
Metamorphose de Dinges, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Germany
Metamorphose de Dinges, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Metamorphose de Dinges, Palais des Beaux-Arts (BOZAR), Brussels, Belgium

The Obsessive Image 1960-1968, Institute of Contemporary Arts London (ICA)London, United Kingdom

The 1960s: Painting and Sculpture from the Museum Collection, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City, NY, USA
Sculpture: A Generation of Innovation, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

The poetic image, Hanover Gallery, London, United Kingdom

Around the Automobile, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City, NY, USA

Collage-Assemblage Exhibition, Pace Gallery – Boston, Boston, MA, USA
Europäische Bildhauerzeichnungen, Galerie nächst St. Stephan – Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Vienna, Austria

Group Exhibition, Pace Gallery – Boston, Boston, MA, USA

Modern Sculpture From The Joseph H. Hirshhorn Collection, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City, NY, USA
Kunst von 1900 bis heute, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig (MUMOK), Vienna, Austria
Sculpture, Hanover Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Fifty Drawings: Recent Acquisitions, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City, NY, USA

Recent Acquisitions, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) New York City, NY, USA
Six Sculptors, Dwan Gallery – Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
The Art of Assemblage, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City, NY, USA
Ways and Means, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (CAMH), Houston, TX, USA
40 degrés au-dessus de Dada, galerie JParis, France

Birds and Beasts from the Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City, NY, USA
Recent Acquisitions, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City, NY, USA
Four Sculptors: Arp, César, Mallary, Mirko, Pace Gallery – Boston, Boston, MA, USA
Modern Sculpture And Sculptors’ Drawings, The Renaissance Society, Chicago, IL, USA

New Images of Man, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City, NY, USA
Sculpture, Hanover Gallery, London, United Kingdom
The Gregory Collection: a Selected Exhibition from the Collection of the late E.C. Gregory, Institute of Contemporary Arts London (ICA), London, United Kingdom
Recent Acquisitions: Painting and Sculpture, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City, NY, USA
Salon de Mai, Paris, France
Documenta II, Kassel, Germany
Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris, France

Exposition Internationale de Sculpture, Brussels, Belgium

Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris, France
Biennale de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Biennale de Carrara, Carrara, Italy

Salon de Mai, Paris, France


Louise Miller, London, UK
Antoine Cordoliani, Corse, France
Teresa Greco, Arizona, USA
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC., USA
Georges Bichet, Paris, France
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Fondation Peggy Guggenheim, Venice, Italy
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
Juan Alvarez de Toledo, Paris, France
Banque Brussels Lambert, Brussels, Belgium
Régis Bocquel, maître modèle de fondeur
Antoni Clavé, Paris, France
Madame Akesson, Paris, France
Hervé Morvan, Paris, France
Musée César, Marseille, France
Rosalie Deckel, Paris, France
The Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, USA
H. Marc Moyens, Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Rosine Baldaccini, Paris, France
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France
Galerie Beaubourg, Marianne et Pierre Nahon, Paris, France
Kriwin, Brussels, Belgium
Colette Creuzevault, Paris, France
Georges-Philippe et Nathalie Vallois, Paris, France
John Richardson, New York, USA
Art Gallery of Ontario, Musée des Beaux-Arts de l’Ontario, Toronto, Canada
Francis Lombrail, France
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA
Dr. Walter A. Bechtler, Zollikon, Switzerland
Docteur Robert Calle, Paris, France
Angela Laprugne, Paris, France
The Tate Gallery, London, UK
François Durand-Ruel, Paris, France
Silkeborg Kunstmuseum, Danemark
Robert et Lisa Sainsbury, London, UK
Sammlung Cremer, Munster, Germany
Maître Maurice Rheims, Paris, France
The Mayor Gallery, London, UK
Ulster Museum, Belfast, Ireland
Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris, France
Musée Cantini, Marseille, France
Galerie Nathalie Seroussi, A. Benamou Galerie, Paris, France
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, Australia
Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva, Switzerland
Jeannine de Goldschmidt, Paris, France
Galerie JGM, Paris, France
Wolfgang Hahn, Köln, Germany
Musée d’Art Contemporain de Montréal, Canada
Monsieur et Madame G. Lebbe-Peeters, Leuven, The Netherlands
Patrice Trigano, Paris, France
Galerie Sonia Zannettacci, Geneva, Switzerland
Sammlung Hahn, Köln, Germany
Christine Le Chanjour, Nice, France
Ivan Lechien, Brussels, Belgium
Daniel et Danielle Varenne, Geneva, Switzerland
Dominion Galerry, Montréal, Canada
Madame Gilles de Monbrison, Paris, France
Christophe Durand-Ruel, Paris, France
Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo, Nederland
Duperrier, Paris, France
Julien Boursier, Nice, France
Jérôme Boursier, Nice, France
Eric Meyer, Lausanne, Switzerland
Jeannic Schoeller, Paris, France
Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum, Duisburg, Germany


La Gazette Drouot - décembre 2017

Des lauriers pour César

Annick Colonna-Césari

Libération - novembre 1996

En voiture César !

Henri-François Debailleux