Norbert Bisky

The artist

Norbert Bisky was born in 1970 in Leipzig, Germany. His treatment of landscapes and exploration of the portrait and narrative structure place him firmly in the tradition of great European painting. But Norbert Bisky's experiments with breaking down forms and with blocks of colour also place him on the borderline of abstract art. His figurative style of painting, conjuring up the socialist realism he experienced as a child in GDR, suggests both hedonism and chaos in its contemporary form.



Birth Born in 1970 in Leipzig, Germany
Residence Lives and works in Berlin, Germany


2024 Passengers, Fabienne Levy Gallery, Suisse
Stage Design and Production: Franz Schubert , Die schöne Müllerin, Staatsoper Stuttgart / Ludwigsburg Palace Festival, Germany
Walküren, Museum Andreasstift, Worms, Germany
Ludology, TEMPLON, New York, USA
2023 Im Freien, Kunstverein Freunde aktueller Kunst, Zwickau, Germany
Navot Miller & Norbert Bisky: Swing State, Weserhalle, Berlin, Germany
2022 Utopianistas, TEMPLON, Paris, France
Mirror Society, SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah, Gerogia USA
Walküren-Basislager, Staatsoper Stuttgart, Haptbahnhof, Stuttgart, Germany
Kurpark, Galerie Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Taumel, König Galerie, Berlin, Germany
2021 Norbert Bisky - DISINFOTAINMENT, G2 Kunsthalle Leipzig, Germany
2020 Berlin Sunday, Confort Moderne, Poitiers, France
Desmadre Berlin, TEMPLON, Paris, France
2019 Pompa, St. Matthäus-Kirche, Berlin, Germany
Rant, Villa Schöningen, Postdam, Germany
2018 Fernwärme, Museum Langmatt, Baden, Switzerland
Anatomie, König London, London, UK

Voir plus

2017 Trilemma, König Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2016 Dies Irae, Crone Wien, Vienna, Austria
A Fuga, Baró Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil
2015 Hérésie, TEMPLON, Brussels, Belgium
Bisky Auf Bözow, Bötzow Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Levinsky Street, Givon Art Gallery Ltd, Tel Aviv, Israel
2014 Works on Paper, TEMPLON, Paris, France
Riots, Galería espacio mínimo, Madrid, Spain
Zentrifuge, Kunsthalle Rostock, Rostock, Germany
2013 Paraisopolis, Crone Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Special Report, MEWO Kunsthalle, Memmingen, Germany
Muster, Cokkie Snoei Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2012 Stampede, Koenig & Clinton Gallery, New York, USA
2011 Decompression, TEMPLON, Paris, France
A Retrospective. Ten Years of Painting, Kunsthalle Marcel Duchamp, Cully, Switzerland
2010 Befall, Crone Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Maudit, Galerie Charlotte Moser, Geneva, Switzerland
2009 Crossing jordaan, Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam and Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mandelkern, Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund, Germany
Norbert Bisky : Paintings, curated by Tami Katz-Freiman, Haifa Museum of Art, Israel
Nefasto Máximo, Galería Espacio Mínimo, Madrid, Spain
2008 Cloud Cuckoo Land, Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke, Mumbai, India
Privat, Crone Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Minimental, Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2007 What's wrong with me?, Leo Koenig Inc., New York, USA
Ich war's nicht, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, Germany
One man show, Crone Berlin, Art Forum Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Behind Innocence ; Norbert Bisky, Anthony Goicolea, Martin Maloney, Hyundai Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2006 Total Care, Contemporary Art Centre (CAC), Vilnius, Lithuania
Norbert Bisky, Philip Kang Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Es tut mir so leid, Michael Schultz Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2005 Studio d’Arte Cannaviello, Milan, Italy
Déluge, Suzanne Tarasiève Gallery, Paris, France
Malerei, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
Leider defekt, Kunstverein Gütersloh, Gütersloh, Germany
2004 The Proud. The Few, Koenig & Clinton, New York, USA
Abgesagt, Mannheimer Kunstverein, Mannheim, Germany
Opkomst en Verval, Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2003 Schlachteplatte, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin, Germany
Alles muss raus, Voss Gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
2002 Einer muß das Sagen haben, Museum Junge Kunst, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Die Heimat ist W...E...I...T... - Leinwände • Zeichnungen, Terminus Gallery, Munich, Germany


2024 This is Tomorrow, New Presentation of the 20th/21st century collection, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany
2023 PINK SNOWFLAKES, ARC COLLECT SPACE by VogelArt, Munich, Germany
unputdownable at Mountains Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Sirani – Thirteen Contemporary Painters and an Arresting Baroque Masterpiece, Galerie Judin, Berlin, Germany
Transformative Boundaries, Fabienne Levy Gallery, Geneva et Lausanne, Switzerland
"Fancy some Friction Honey?”, Kunsthal Rotterdam, Netherlands
AXIS Festival, Volkstheater Rostock, Germany
Unsere Sammlung 1891 – 2022, Kunsthalle Rostock, Germany
Die Zukunft der SPD 3, Kunstverein Nürnberg – Albrecht Dürer Gesellschaft, Germany
Schlossmuseum Murnau: new presentation of the collection, Murnau am Staffelsee, Germany
Menschenbild – der expressionistische Blick, Stiftung Kunstforum Berliner Volksbank, Germany
2022 Kunst-Stücke, Galerie Koch, Hannover, Germany
Jürgen Wittdorf (1932 – 2018), Schloss Biesdorf, Berlin, Germany
Heroic Bodies, Rudolph Tegners Museum & Statuepark, Dronningmølle, Denmark
All you need is love, Schau Fenster, Raum der Kunst, Berlin, Germany
Mixed Feelings, G2 Kunsthalle, Leipzig, Germany
Liebe Grüsse, Museum Langmatt, Baden, Switzerland
2021 Deep Blue, Hall Art Foundation, Reading, Vermont, USA
Kunst & Hallen Kunstsinn Über Mauern Hinweg, Reinbeckhallen, Berlin, Germany
Perspektivwechsel, Kunsthalle St. Annen, Lübeck, Germany
Kunst-Stücke, Galerie Koch, Hannover, Germany
Die Zukunft der SPD #2, Provinzeditionen, Bochum, Germany
Grün – von farblichen Akzenten zur Monochromie IV, Galerie Koch, Hannover, Germany
2020 HEART-100 Artists.1 Mission, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany
Szene Berlin, Hall Art Foundation – Schloss Derneburg Museum, Derneburg, Germany
Who Am I !?, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
How beautiful you are!, KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin, Germany
2019 Die Zukunft der SPD, Zwinger Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Szene Berlin Okt. 19, Kônig Galerie at Ketterer Kunst, München, Germany
From the Paper to the Wall, TEMPLON, Brussels, Belgium
30 Years of Dutch Courage. A jubilee exhibition, Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam, Netherlands
I will be dead, König London, London, UK
Tainted Love / Club Edit, Villa Arson, Nice, France
Geheimnis der Dinge, Malstrücke, Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, Recklinghausen, Germany
2018 Boezemvriend, Cokkie Snoei Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Geheimnis der Dinge, Malstrücke, Beck & Eggeling International Fine Art, Düsseldorf, Germany
Studio d, Studio d’Arte Cannaviello, Milan, Italy
Eros und Thanatos, Museum Abtei Liesborn, Wadersloh, Germany
It smells like… flowers & fragrances, me Collectors Room/ Stiftung Olbricht, Berlin, Germany
Wir nennen es Arbeit, Botschaft, Berlin, Germany
G2 #9 – The Art of Recollecting, G2 Kunsthalle Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

Voir plus

2017 G2 #7 – Hildebrand Collection, G2 Kunsthalle Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Ich bin nicht meine Zielgruppe, Kunsthaus Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Die Revolution ist tot – Lang lebe die Revolution!, Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Missing: Der Turm der blauen Pferde by Franz Marc – Contemporary artists in search of a lost masterpiece, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, Germany
Hope and Hazard: A Comedy of Eros, Hall Art Foundation, Reading, USA
2016 Elective Affinities - German Art Since the Late 1960s, Latvian National Museum of Arts, Riga, Latvia
As If, At Home - Artists In Europe, BOX Freiraum, Berlin, Germany
New Adventures in Vexillology#2, Kunstverein Amrum, Amrun, Germany
Bittersüße Zeiten – Barock und Gegenwart, Edwin Scharff Museum, Neu-Ulm, Germany
Zeitgeist – Arte Da Nova Berlim, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Utopie Picturale 3, Forma - Art contemporain & cabinet d'expertise, Lausanne, Switzerland
2015 A man walks into a bar…., me Collectors Room Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Ausstellungsarchiv, Kunsthaus Apolda Avantgarde, Apolda, Germany
2014 Paperworlds, me Collectors Room Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Utopie Picturale 2, Fonderie Kugler, Geneva, Switzerland
Lieber Künstler, zeichne mir! - Part 2, Semjon Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
10, Berghain, Berlin, Germany
Truths, Bayer Arts & Culture, Leverkusen, Germany
2013 Utopie picturale, La Villa Dutoit, Geneva, Switzerland
Ça grimpe, Charlotte Moser Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
As Tears Go By, Cokkie Snoei Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
The Legend of the Shelves, Autocenter, Berlin, Germany
Babylon, Wendt + Friedmann Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Freestyle, Fundacion Cajamurcia, Cartagena, Spain
2012 Visage et portrait, Charlotte Moser Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Flying, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
Coletiva, Baró Galeria, São Paulo, Brazil
Convoy Berlin, Biksady Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Laboratories of the Senses, MARTa Herford, Herford, Germany
Door de bril van Hans, Cokkie Snoei Amsterdam and Rotterdam, Netherlands
Eros & Thanatos, Baumwollspinnerei Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
I Am A Berliner, by Mark Gisbourne, Universitá degli Studi di Sassari Sassari, Italy – Traveling exhibition ; The Helena Rubinstein Pavilion for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, Israel
2011 Tous cannibales, La Maison Rouge : Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris, France
Alles Kannibalen, me Collectors Room, Berlin, Germany
Apopcalypse Now, Hugo & Carla Brown Collection, Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam, Netherlands
I am a Berliner, HDLU, Croatian Association of Artists, Zagreb, Croatia
863 KM, Scheublein + BAK, Zurich, Switzerland
Ars Apocalipsis - Kunst und Kollaps, Kunstverein Kreis Gütersloh e.V., Gütersloh, Germany
2010 Night of the Pawn, Werkschauhalle, Leipzig, Germany
100th Exhibition, Autocenter, Berlin, Germany
Young Collectors #2Sign - Tentoonstellingsruimte voor Jonge Kunst, Groningen, Netherlands
2009 Zeigen. An Audio Tour through Berlin by Karin Sander, Temporäre Kunsthalle, Berlin, Germany
Schickeria - High Society, BDA-Ausstellungsraum, Braunschweig, Germany
Accrochage, Galerie Crone, Berlin, Germany
Conflicting Tales, Burger Collection, Berlin, Germany
Avant-Goût, Live In Your Head, Haute école d'art et design, Geneva, Switzerland
Cargo / cargo manifest / cargo vision, Autocenter, Berlin, Germany
Giving Face. Portraits for a New Generation, Nicholas Robinson Gallery, New York, USA
Reliquaries of Empires Dust, Bereznitsky Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Cargo manifest, Bayrische Staatsoper, Munich, Germany
Standpunkte II 1986 – 2006, Kunstraum Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
Sammlung SØR Rusche, Museum Abtei Liesborn, Wadersloh-Liesborn, Germany
2008 Friction and Conflict, Kalmar konstmuseum, Kalmar, Sweden
Inkonstruktion III, Art Biesenthal, Biesenthal, Germany
Standpunkte II, Museum Junge Kunst, Frankfurt Oder, Germany
Wasistdas08, Loft 19, Paris, France
Menschen und Orte, Kunstverein Konstanz e.V., Konstanz, Germany
2007 25 Jahre Galerie Crone, Galerie Crone, Berlin, Germany
"Inkonstruktion II", Art Biesenthal, Germany
15 años tiene mi amor, Galería espacio mínimo, Madrid, Spain
2006 URP!, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
Eine Frage (nach) der Geste, Galerie der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkuns, Leipzig, Germany
Rio, Artnews Projects, Berlin, Germany
Wer reinkommt ist drin, Schickeria, Berlin, Germany
Kunst und Fußball, Kunst-Raum des Deutschen Bundestages, Berlin, Germany
Null Problemo, Rudolf-Scharpf-Galerie, Ludwigshafen, Germany
Faces of a collection, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Germany
Spac Buttrio, Udine, Italy
Anstoß Berlin, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, Germany
Frissiras Museum Athens, Athens, Greece
Paraisos artificiales with Hernan Bas, Jörg Lozek, Galeria Pilar Parra, Madrid, Spain
Schwarz auf weiß, Schickeria, Berlin, Germany
Independents Biennial 2006, Liverpool, UK
What would I be without you…, Prague City Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Multiple Box Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Dick aufgetragen, Galerie Helmut Leger, Munich, Germany
Stilelibero, Studio d'Arte Cannaviello, Milan, Italy
2005 The Second Beijing International Art Biennale, Beijing, China
IBCA Biennale 2005, IBCA - International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Prague, Czech Republic
Self Preservation Society, Leo Koenig Inc., New York, USA
El papel del papel, Galeria Carmen de la Calle, Madrid, Spain
Kir Royal, Schickeria, Berlin (Carlos Depot), Germany
Kunsthalle Dresden, Germany
Fundacion Antonio Perez, Cuenca, Spain
The Frissiras Museum Contemporary European Painting Award, Frissiras Museum, Athens, Greece
2004 Décomplexés / Without complex, Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris, France
National Museum, Seoul, South Korea
The Busan Biennale, Busan, South Korea
Klasse Baselitz, Kunstverein Uelzen e.V., Uelzen, Germany
Narrative From Germany, Elizabeth Leach Gallery, Portland, Oregon, USA
Dorf in die Metropole, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
New German Paintings, Regina Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2003 Seascapes in confrontation, PMMK - Museum for Modern Art, Ostend, Belgium
Berlin-Moskau Moskau-Berlin 1950-2000, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany
Man in the Middle, Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen, Germany
Künstler sehen rot, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
Tanz am Ufer der Berge, Kunstverein Talstrasse e.V., Halle-Saale, Germany
Rückblende Hochsommer, Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren, Kaufbeuren, Germany
Frisch. Fromm. Fröhlich. Frei, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin, Germany
X. Rohkunstbau - ein europäisches Portrait, Wasserschloss, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany
Changing Channels, London Biennial Pollinations, London, UK
Fackelherz & Falkenrot, Georg Kolbe Museum, Berlin, Germany
Anthropography, (The Human Figure at the Dawn of the 21st Century), Frissiras Museum Athens, Greece
2002 From Berlin: History Revisited, Elizabeth Leach Gallery, Portland, USA
Sodaliten Schneeberger Drückehalter, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
Deutsches Sport und Olympia Museum, Cologne, Germany
Haus der Kunst, Munich; Museum Walter/Glaspalast, Augsburg, Germany
Positionen I, Michael Schultz Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Berlin-Leipzig, Galerie im Alten Bau, Kunstverein Geislingen, Germany
2001 Almauftrieb, Kulturbauerei Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany
2000 Works on paper, Galería Maior, Illes Balears, Spain
Richtfest (Klasse Baselitz), Michael Schultz Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Intermezzo, Michael Schultz Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Westfalen muss zahlen, Rathert Gallery, Minden, Germany
1999 Klasse Baselitz, UdK Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin, Germany
Schaustelle HdK 4, Michael Schultz Gallery, Berlin, Germany
1998 Nuovo Art Collection, Berlin, Germany
Schaustelle HdK 3, Michael Schultz Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Juxtapositions, Busche Gallery, Berlin, Germany


The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany
Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea
Kunsthalle Rostock, Germany

Voir plus

Frissiras Museum Athens, Greece
Museum der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig, Germany
Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt Oder, Germany
Burger Collection, Hong Kong
Ellipse Foundation, Portugal
Deutsche Bank Collection, Frankfurt a. Main, Germany
Le FNAC Fonds National des Arts plastiques, France
Hall Art Foundation, USA
Palm Springs Art Museum, Palm Springs, USA


Art Magazine - June, 2024

Norbert Bisky - Romantique, énergique et engagé

Christian Charreyre

Arts Magazine - décembre 2022

Les interrogations de Norbert Bisky sur notre avenir

Christian Charreyre

Arts Hebdo Médias - novembre 2022

Norbert Bisky, Utopianistas

Transfuge - novembre 2022


Damien Aubel

Les Inrockuptibles - novembre 2022

Les 5 expos à ne pas rater en novembre 2022

Ingrid Luquet-Gad

Les Inrockuptibles - août 2020

Vestiges du vertige

Ingrid Luquet-Gad

Der Spiegel - mai 2020



Connaissance des - mars 2020

8 expos gratuites en galerie pour découvrir l'art contemporain - janvier 2020

Die Ostzone im Kirchengewolbe

Von Stefan Trinks - novembre 2019

Former GDR painter Bisky on his new exhibition doublei-bill

Anna Larkin, Rene Blixer - octobre 2019

Maler Bisky üuer DDR und Mauerfall - juillet 2019

Grenzenlose Kunst: Im Atelier von Norbert Bisky

von Barbara Wiegand - mai 2019

Küustler Norbert Bisky: Noch ist der Krieg nicht zu Ende

Suzanne Schreiber

Têtu - juin 2014


Télérama Sortir - juin 2014

Norbert Bisky, Works on Paper

La Gazette de l'Hôtel Drouot - juin 2014

Norbert Bisky, Works on Paper

L'Express Styles - novembre 2011


Annick Colonna-Césari

Télérama - novembre 2011

Pour l'amour des garçons

Olivier Cena

Libération - janvier 2010

Artiste Real-capitaliste

Nathalie Versieux

Modern Painters - mars 2005

Under the influence

Karen Wright


Norbert Bisky

Solo Show

Museum Andreasstift, Worms
From July 11 to September 29, 2024

The Museum Andreasstift is dedicating a solo show to Norbert Bisky through September 29, 2024 in Germany. The exhibition features oil on canvases and works on paper focusing on the theme of the valkyries.

Norbert Bisky

Solo Show

Kunstverein Freunde aktueller Kunst, Zwickau
From July 1 to September 29, 2023

Norbert Bisky’s solo show Im Freien will open on July 1, 2023 at the Kunstverein Freunde aktueller Kunst in Zwickau.

Norbert Bisky

G2 Kunsthalle, Leipzig

The artwork Crossing by Norbert Bisky joined the permanent collection of G2 Kunsthalle in Leipzig.

Norbert Bisky

Norbert Bisky - Mirror Society 
SCAD Museum of Art, United States
Through August 1st, 2022

In Mirror Society, the artist presents a series of recent works uniquely collaged with canvas from previous paintings that has been slashed and reapplied to a mirrored surface. These composite arrangements deconstruct the figure into fragments of torsos, limbs, and faces violently intersecting with abstracted bursts of saturated color and the mirror’s fractal reflections. The viewer is confronted with half-hidden, half-bared images of beautiful youth as well as their own gaze, trapped in a voyeuristic feedback loop. With these works, Bisky comments on the narcissism of a society deeply engaged in the production and consumption of a dizzying onslaught of images in viral media, ambivalent to the violence and turmoil of global events. 

Norbert Bisky

Hall Art Foundation, 544 VT Route 106, Reading, Vermont, USA
Until November 28, 2021

The show examines the “deep blue” from various perspectives: both visually, as a color, but also linguistically, as a phrase describing abstract concepts such as mood, the natural environment, music and even a region’s political landscape. Over 70 paintings, sculptures, photographs, works on paper and videos by 70 artists from the Hall and Hall Art Foundation collections will be presented.

Norbert Bisky

G2 Kunsthalle, Dittrichring 13, Leipzig, Germany
From June 4 to September 26, 2021

Norbert Bisky’s first exhibition in Leipzig, where he was born, combines earlier works from the holdings of the Hildebrang Collection with a new painting cycle and an expansive installation inspired by the altered conditions of communication in the pandemic age. The title refers to G2 Kunsthalle’s architectural history –it was meant to a host municipal data processing center. The show turns the spotlight on the use of data and information in a world ruled by digital technology. In the recent work “Trollfarmer” (2021), Bisky grapples with “doom-scrolling”, in which people compulsively search the web for fear-inducing images and information, and explores the ways in which such new cultural practices serve the interests of unseen actors.

Norbert Bisky

From June 15 to August 25, 2020
Confort Moderne, 185 Rue du Faubourg du Pont Neuf, 86000 Poitiers

As of mid-June, the Galerie Templon’s latest exhibition of works by the artist, will travel to Le Confort moderne, a former industrial building turned into a trending place for the cultural life of Poitiers. In this new series, Bisky has chosen to swap the pastel blue of his skies for darker hues and the luminous smiles of his models for more serious expressions. His baroque scenes feature bronzed models who bring to mind the communist propaganda which marked the artist’s youth in GDR. Alongside them are the night birds, hipsters and outsiders who populate the streets of Berlin Friedrichshain every evening, drifting among the post-industrial facades that characterise the district, a favourite haunt of the city’s denizens of the night. 

Norbert Bisky
Jim Dine
Billie Zangewa

We invite you to experience our new online viewing room for an immersive visit of our Paris and Brussels spaces.
Currently on view: Norbert Bisky: Desmadre Berlin, Jim Dine: The Classic Prints, and Billie Zangewa: Soldier of Love.
Click on the link below and on each work to explore!