Oda Jaune

The artist

Born in 1979 in Sofia, Bulgaria, Oda Jaune lives and works in London. The artist uses her work to portray a tormented yet deeply poetical world. In it, images that are tender, naive and violent, occasionally erotic and funny, are mingled together as Jaune continues her frank exploration of a subconscious freed from convention. Her paintings are unsettling, putting the viewer in a position where abandon is the only option and inhibition is futile.



Birth Born in 1979 in Sofia, Bulgaria
Residence Lives and works in London, United Kingdom
Education 1998 – 2003: Studies at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany


2025 Oil of Angels, TEMPLON, Paris, France
2024 Miss Understand, TEMPLON, New York, USA
2022 wOnderlust, TEMPLON, Paris, France
2019 Hands, Seen, Antwerp, Belgium
Beyond Gravity, TEMPLON, Paris, France
2018 Heartland, National Gallery of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
2017 White Sculptures, Michael Fuchs Galerie, Berlin, Germany

Voir plus

All White, TEMPLON (Brussels), Brussels, Belgium
2016 Blue Skies, TEMPLON, Paris, France
2015 Masks, TEMPLON, Paris, France
2013 Beyond Eden, Galerie Michael Fuchs, Berlin, Germany
2011 Confrontation Félicien Rops - Oda Jaune, Musée Félicien Rops, Namur, Belgium
2010 Once in a Blue Moon, TEMPLON, Paris, France
2009 May You See Rainbows, TEMPLON, Paris, France
2007 Galleria Davide Di Maggio – Milano, Milan, Italy
Trappole tra sensualità e alienazione, Fondazione Mudima, Milan, Italy
2006 Galleria Davide Di Maggio, Berlin, Germany
2004 Kunsthalle Koblenz, Koblenz, Germany


2024 Les Enchantées N°2, curated by Nicola E. Petek et Stephan Klee, Frontviews, Berlin, Germany
TERRA DIASPORA – WELTEN WANDELN, Kunstverein Göttingen, Germany
Les Enchantées N°2, HAUNT // frontviews e.V, Berlin, Germany
Désordre, extraits de la collection Antoine de Galbert, Musée d’Art Contemporain, Lyon, France
Je ne suis pas ce que tu vois de moi, Fondation Francès, Clichy, France
2023 Les Fleurs du mal, Maison Guerlain, Paris, France
Individual All-Around, Timisoara Garrison Command, Timisoara, Rominia
Immortelle – MO.CO., Montpellier, France
De leur temps (7), Un regard sur des collections privées, Frac Grand Large, Dunkerque, France

Voir plus

Le baiser de la chimère, galerie Dys, Brussels, Belgium
2022 Varia, CAC, Abbaye Saint André – Centre d’Art contemporain, Meymac, France
2020 Cœurs, du romantisme dans l'art contemporain, Musée de la Vie romantique, Paris, France
2019 Perfume of Thorns, A contemporary take on Les fleurs du mal, curated by VO curations and Phillips, Parcours Saint Germain des Près, Paris, France
Omar Ba, Abdelkader Benchamma, Norbert Bisky, Oda Jaune, Chiharu Shiota, ‘From the Paper to the Wall’, TEMPLON, Brussels, Belgium
Melt, Chart Gallery, New York, USA
2018 Accrochage - Summer In The City, Michael Fuchs Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Eros und Thanatos, Museum Abtei Liesborn, Wadersloh, Germany
Bitch Material Mutter.schaft.neu.denken, Studio 1 - Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
Accrochage, Michael Fuchs Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Voici le temps des assassins, Galerie Michel Journiac, Paris, France
Mademoiselle, CRAC, Sète, France
The Sensation of the Sea: In honour of Bas Jan Ader, Collection Mesdag-Musée Van Gogh, The Hague, Netherlands
2017 Expenses, La Banque, Béthune, France
The Raft - Art is (not) Lonely, Mu.ZEE, Ostend, Belgium
The Artist/Knight, Gaasbeek Castle, Lennik, Belgium
Un monde in-tranquille, Abbaye St André - Centre d'art contemporain Meymac, Meymac, France
Behind the Screen - An Art Tribute to Isabelle Huppert, Michael Fuchs Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Peindre, dit-elle. Chap. 2, Musée des Beaux Arts de Dôle, Dôle, France
2016 ECCE HOMO? ECCE HOMO zu Gast in St. Canisius Berlin, St. Canisius, Berlin, Germany
Everybody is crazy, but me, Maison Particulière, Brussels, Belgium
Intrigantes incertitudes, Musée d'art moderne et contemporain de Saint-Étienne (MAMC), Saint-Étienne, France
Bittersüße Zeiten – Barock und Gegenwart, Edwin Scharff Museum, Neu-Ulm, Germany
Who is Oda Jaune, a film directed by Kamilla Pfeffer, prod : Gebrüder Beetz Filmproduktion, co-prod: KHM, Cologne, Berlin International Film Festival, Berlin, Germany
2015 H.D. Buttercup's Apartment, Michael Fuchs Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Peindre, Dit-elle, Musée Départemental d'Art Contemporain de Rochechouart, Rochechouart, France
Gute Kunst? Wollen!-Auf AEG, Nuremberg, Germany
Who’s afraid of picture(s)? 2-à cent mètres du centre du monde, Centre d'Art Contemporain, Perpignan, France
Bittersüße Zeiten - Barock und Gegenwart in der Sammlung SØR Rusche Berlin/Oelde, Kunsthalle Jesuitenkirche, Aschaffenburg, Germany
Who\Galerie de l’ESAD Grenoble, Grenoble, France
Bittersüße Zeiten - Barock und Gegenwart in der Sammlung SØR Rusche Berlin/OeldeKunsthaus Apolda Avantgarde, Apolda, Germany
Le Genre idéal, Maison Guerlain, FIAC, Paris, France
2014 Salon, Michael Fuchs Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Bittersüsse Zeiten - Barock Und Gegenwart In Der Sammlung Sør Rusche Oelde/ Berlin, Kunsthaus Stade, Stade, Germany
Les esthétiques d’un monde désenchanté, Abbaye St André - Centre d'art contemporain Meymac, Meymac, France
Le Mur, La collection Antoine de Galbert, La Maison Rouge, Paris, France
Who’s afraid of picture(s) ?, Ecole Supérieure d’Art et de Design, Grenoble, France
2013 Underealisme-à cent mètres du centre du monde, Centre d'Art Contemporain, Perpignan, France
Inner Journeys, Maison Particulière, Brussels, Belgium
2012 Hybride, Fondation Francès, Senlis, France
SØR Rusche Sammlung: Eros & Thanatos, Werkschauhalle, Leipzig, Germany
Under Realism V 2.0, Progress Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia
Êtres Chairs. Oda Jaune - Sandra Vásquez De La Horra, Maison de la Culture Namur, Namur, Belgium
2011 Tous cannibales, La Maison Rouge, Paris, France
Alles Kannibalen?, Me Collectors Room, Berlin, Germany
Mise A L'eau - Aquarelles Contemporaines, Maison de la Culture Namur, Namur, Belgium
Féminité 1.0, Maison Particulière, Brussels, Belgium
Femme objet, Femme sujet, Abbaye St André - Centre d'art contemporain Meymac, Meymac, France
2008 The Bearable Lightness of Being - The Metaphor of the Space, La Biennale di Venezia, 11. Mostra Internazionale di Architectura, Palazzo Pesaro Papafava, Venice, Italy
2007 Malkunst 2, Schloss Plüschow Mecklenburgisches Künstlerhaus, Plüschow, Germany
Klasse Immendorf - Von Affen und Pferden, Ludwig Museum im Deutschherrenhaus, Koblenz, Germany
Plus Zwei - Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Bulgarien und Rumänien, MKM Museum Küppersmühle für Moderne Kunst, Duisburg, Germany
Malkunst 2, Fondazione Mudima, Milan, Italy
Malkunst 2, Galleria Davide Di Maggio – Milano, Milan, Italy
2004 Twenty-Four Living Artist in China, White Space Beijing, Beijing, China
2003 Emprise Art Award 2003 - Die Zukunft im Nacken: Frustration oder Innovation?, NRW – Forum, Düsseldorf, Germany
Museum Baden, Solingen, Germany
Twenty-Four Living Artists in China, White Space, Beijing, China
2002 Schöne Aussicht, Herr Schweins, Galerie Otto Schweins, Cologne, Germany


FNAC, Fonds National d’Art Contemporain, France
Maison Rouge, Antoine de Galbert Foundation, Paris, France
Francès Foundation, Senlis, France
Maison Particulière – Art Center, Brussels, Belgium
Collection BOROS, Berlin, Germany
JP Morgan Chase & Co Art Collection, New York, USA
SØR Rusche Sammlung Oelde/Berlin, Oelde-Stromberg, Germany


WHITEWALL - January, 2024

Oda Jaune Invites Us to Feel a Bit More in'Miss Understand' at Templon

OCULA- February, 2024

New York's Best Exhibitions to See

Paul Laster

ELEPHANT - January, 2024

Oda Jaune's Daydreams Mingle With Reality

WIDEWALLS - December, 2023

Oda Jaune Debuts in the US with New Work Exploring Perception of the Woman in Our Time

Artpress - février 2022

Le Chef d'oeuvre du moment "Tree" d'Oda Jaune

Julie Chaizemartin

Die Welt - janvier 2022

Small Talk,, Ich Verwandle Es In Wunder

TV5 Monde - janvier 2022

Peinture : Oda Jaune "une vision qui s'approche de la réalité"

Pascale Achard

Arts In the City - janvier 2022

Les peintures audacieuses d'Oda Jaune à découvrir à la Galerie Templon

Artnet News - janvier 2022

Whats Fuels German Bulgarian Painter Oda Jaune in the Studio ?

Naomi Rea

Transfuge - janvier 2022

De l'origine du monde

Gabrielle Rousseau

Artpress - janvier 2020

Oda Jaune

Catherine Millet

Spiegel.de - décembre 2019

Oda Jaune

Von Nike Laurenz

Der Spiegel - novembre 2019

Exzesse in der Kunst sind eine Dienstpflicht

Ulrike Knöfel & Britta Sandberg

Artdaily - novembre 2019

Oda Jaune presents a brand-new series of paintings at Galerie Templon

Germainpire.info - octobre 2019

Vernissage d'Oda Jaune "Beyond Gravity"

Le Littéraire.com - octobre 2019

Oda Jaune : Beyond Gravity

Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret

Madame Figaro - mars 2019

En avant, les femmes de l'art !

Laétitia Cénac

L'Oeil -février 2018

Peindre l'humain au XXIe siècle

Vincent Delaury

Arts Libres (La Libre Belgique) - avril 2017

Les corps-à-corps d'Oda Jaune


Art Press - mars 2016

Oda Jaune

Richard Leydier

Connaissance des Arts - février 2016

Oda Jaune, la tentatrice

Valérie de Maulmin

Beaux-Arts Magazine - janvier 2016

Oda Jaune, Peintre au talent monstre

Judicaël Lavrador

Beaux-Arts Magazine - juillet 2015

Oda Jaune et ses tendres mutants

Weltkunst - 2013

Was Muss Man Über Paris Wissen?

Artpress - février 2012

Oda Jaune : Rose Sang

Léa Bismuth

Jalouse - février 2012

Pythie Painting

Delphine Valloire

Zoo - 2011

An interview with Bulgarian painter Oda Jaune

Jan Kedves

Hong Kong Gallery Guide - février 2011

Oda Jaune, Paintings with no stories

Cristina Sanchez Kozyreva


Bilal Hamdad
Oda Jaune
Hans Op De Beeck

Group show

Fondation Francès, Clichy
From April 5 to July 19, 2025

On the occasion of the group show La vie est une plaie dont je ne me défais pas, Bilal Hamdad, Oda Jaune and Hans Op de Beeck exhibit their works from April 5, 2025 at the Fondation Francès in Clichy.

Oda Jaune

Artist talk

Galerie Templon, 30 rue Beaubourg, Paris
March 20th at 7pm

On the occasion of, S’émerveiller, the cycle of meetings and Oda Jaune’s solo exhibition Oil Of Angels in our Paris space, a conversation will take place in the gallery between the artist and art historian Amélie Adamo on Thursday March 20 at 7pm.

Oda Jaune

Group show

The Bomb Factory, London
From November 21 to December 2, 2024

On the occasion of the group show Fragile, curated by Daniel Lismore, Oda Jaune is exhibiting her work at The Bomb Factory in London until December 2, 2024. The exhibition explores fragility as human condition or even pre-condition, from the experience of pain and loss to the historical situations when both dehumanization, and human fragility, emerge massively.

Oda Jaune

Group show

Kunstverein Göttingen, Germany
Through July 12, 2024

On the occasion of the group show TERRA DIASPORA – Welten Wandeln, curated by Nicola E. Petek and Stephan Klee, Oda Jaune is exhibiting six artworks at the Kunstverein Göttingen in Germany until July 12, 2024.

Jean-Michel Alberola
Oda Jaune

Group show

Musée d’Art Contemporain, Lyon
From March 8 to July 7, 2024

On the occasion of the group show Désordres – Extraits de la collection Antoine de Galbert, Jean-Michel Alberola and Oda Jaune will be exhibiting their works from March 8, 2024 at the Musée d’Art Contemporain in Lyon. The museum is inviting collector Antoine de Galbert to exhibit more than 250 works from his personal collection.

Oda Jaune
Jeanne Vicerial

Fondation Francès, Clichy
Through January 26, 2024

On the occasion of the group exhibition Je ne suis pas ce que tu vois de moi, Oda Jaune and Jeanne Vicerial are exhibiting their works until  January 26, 2024 at Fondation Francès in Clichy.

Oda Jaune

Group show

Maison Guerlain, Paris
From October 18 to November 13, 2023

On the occasion of the group show Les Fleurs du mal, Oda Jaune exhibits her work Fleurs from October 18, 2023, at Maison Guerlain in Paris.

Oda Jaune

Group show

Timișoara Garrison Command, Romania
From September 22 to December 3, 2023

On the occasion of the group show Individual All-Around, Oda Jaune exhibits her works from September 22, 2023 at Timișoara Garrison Command in Romania.