Orsten Groom

The artist

Born in 1982 in Guyana, Orsten Groom is a multidisciplinary artist of Russian-Polish origins. At the age of 20, he suffered a ruptured aneurysm while studying at the Beaux-Arts in Paris which left him amnesic and epileptic. During his convalescence he learned that he was a painter and returned to art school, studying with French painters François Boisrond and Jean-Michel Alberola. From that moment on, he positioned himself as a fiercely independent artist, developing a protean body of work that reaches beyond painting to embrace music, sculpture, film and poetry. In 2020, the Centre d'Art ACMCM (A Cent Mètres du Centre du Monde) in Perpignan held the very first retrospective dedicated to his work. In 2021, he took advantage of the Covid-induced siege situation to open the Cabinet Chrome Dinette with Olivier Kaeppelin, an undercover private showroom at a secret Parisian address. From July to Novembre, 2022, Le Sucquet des Artistes in Cannes opens its space to Orsten Groom for his project "Limbe (le vroi dans la Nuit)". In 2023, The Musée Paul Valéry in Sètes is dedicating to him a restrospective called "Volcan du comas".



Birth Born in 1982 in Guyana
Residency Lives and works in Paris
Education 2011
Le Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains, Tourcoing, Paris
École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France


2023 Volcan du Coma, musée Paul Valéry, Sète, France
2022 LIMBE Le Vroi dans la Nuit, Le Suquet des Artistes, Cannes, France
2021 SIEG MHUND KALUMNIATOR, Galerie Templon, Brussels, Belgium
Cabinet CHROME DINETTE, Paris, France
CHROME DINETTE, Galerie Urban Spree, Berlin, Germany
2020 EXOPULITAÏ Rétrospective, Centre d’art ACMCM, À cent mètres du centre du monde, Perpignan, France
2019 POMPEII MASTURBATOR, Espace Oppidum, Paris, France
2017 LARVAE SMORT REIGN, Galerie Andersen & Associés, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
ORBE, Résidence Concordia, Paris, France
ODRADEK, 24Beaubourg, Paris, France
2016 KRIEGELKRAKEL, Galerie Crous, Paris, France
MARTUS LUPUS, Phantom Project Contemporary, Troyes, France

Voir plus

2015 DOUBLE PEINE, Galerie Laser Quest, Paris, France
FELDGRAU, Galerie Crous, Paris, France
2013 SLEDZTWO, Le Ciné 104, Pantin, France
2012 OILET APER, Sycomore Films, Paris, France


2023 Immortelle, MO.CO., Montpellier, France
2021 Aérosolthérapie, Espace Topographie de l’Art, Paris, France
2019 Eighties & Echoes / Aux sources des années 1980, Musée de l’Abbaye Sainte-Croix, Les Sables d’Olonne, France
2018 ANIMA, Espace Le 100, Paris, France
2017 FRIENDS & FAMILY, Galerie Eva Hober, Paris, France
CLOUZOT, UNE SUITE CONTEMPORAIRE, Espace Topographie de l’Art, Paris, Le Pilori, Niort, Lux Scène Nationale, Valence, France
KALÉIDOSCOPE, Galerie La Forest Divonne, Brussels, Belgium
KUNSTCHORLE, Ventilator, Berlin, Germany
SALO V, Salon du dessin érotique, Paris, France
TU SAIS CE QU’ELLE TE DIT MA CONCIERGE ?, MUBA, Musée Eugène-Leroy, Tourcoing, France
2016 Future Signs, Latvijas Makslas Akademija, Riga, Latvia
2016 LES ENFANTS IRONT JOUER DANS LE JARDIN, Phantom Project Contemporary, Troyes, France
WONDROUS STRANGE, Phantom Project Contemporary, Troyes, France
FUTURE SIGNS, Latvijas Makslas Akademija, Riga, Latvia
YIA ARTFAIR, Paris, France
SALON DDessin, Paris, France
SALO IV, Salon du dessin érotique, Paris, France
VIVRE AVEC UN CHIEN ET UN FUSIL, Galerie Clovis XV, Brussels, Belgium

Voir plus

2015 VIVE LA PEINTURE, Galerie Polad Hardouin, Paris
IN/PERTINENCE, Phantom Project Contemporary, Troyes, France
L'ORIGINE DE L'AMOUR, Les Salaisons, Montreuil, France
2014 OPERATING THEATER, Centre George Pompidou, Paris, France
2012 WHO'S THAT KNOCKING AT MY DOOR ?, La Cabin, Antwerp, Belgium
2011 CLIFFORD IRVING SHOW, Objectif Exhibition Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
PANORAMA 13, Le Fresnoy, Lille, France

2010 PANORAMA 12, Le Fresnoy, Lille, France


2013 PARCH
2012 LES BALLETS RUSSES (with Abel Gance Elodie Tamayo)


2019 Prix l’Art est vivant – Fonds de dotation
2016 Prix de peinture de l’Académie des Beaux-Arts
2015 Prix de peinture Antoine Marin
2011 Prix Exceptionnel du Jury, Festival Côté Court for BOBOK


MASC – Musée de l’Abbaye de Sainte Croix, les Sables d’Olonnes


Transfuge - January, 2024

Groom d'autels

Damien Aubel

Arts Magazine - january, 2024

Les troublantes "mathesis" d'Orsten Groom

Gabrielle Gauthier

Midi Libre - December, 2023

Les fratras "grotesques" d'Orsten Groom

Nicolas Zarrouk

L'oeil - octobre 2022

Orsten Groom, au service de la peinture

Vincent Delaury

La Strada - été 2022

Anthropologue de la peinture

Cote Magazine - juin 2022

Orsten Groom, Limbe

L'Echo - décembre 2021

Fatras hypnotiques et calligraphies d'un père

Johan-Frédérik Het Guedj

Le Vif - décembre 2021

L'immanquable - Sieg Mhund Kaluminator

Metal Magazine - novembre 2021

Orsten Groom - A State of Permanent Armageddon

Harvey Byworth-Morgan

La Libre Belgique - novembre 2021

Sous l'égide de Sigmund

Roger Pierre Turine

Le Littéraire.com - novembre 2021

Sieg Mhund Kaluminator (exposition)

Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret

Transfuge - novembre 2021

Groom Generation

Damien Aubel

Revue Personne - octobre 2021

Orsten Groom - Peintre en Guerre

Frédéric Lemaître


Orsten Groom

Solo Show

Musée Paul Valéry, Sète
From December 9, 2023 to February 25, 2024

On the occasion of Orsten Groom’s retrospective exhibition Volcan du Coma, fifty paintings will be on show at the Musée Paul Valéry in Sète from December 9, 2023.

Orsten Groom
Oda Jaune
Abdelkader Benchamma

MO.CO, Montpellier
From March 11 to May 7, 2023

As part of the group show Immortelle at MO.CO, Oda Jaune, Abdelkader Benchamma and Orsten Groom will be exhibiting their work from March 11 to May 7, 2023.   Immortelle offers an ambitious panorama of young French figurative painting. For the first time, the exhibition will be spread over all the art centres and will be organised in two parts.

Orsten Groom

Orsten Groom - LIMBE [Le Vroi dans la Nuit]Suquet des Artistes, CannesFrom July 1st to December 11, 2022

Dedicated to childhood in contrast to prehistoric art, forty fiery, baroque and complex canvases weave a disconcerting and singular cave, impregnated with the original power of painting. From this whirlwind emerges a complex reflection that the artist, a new father, questions on the innocence of art and man in the grip of history and memory, between mythology, literature and anthropology. To do this, Orsten Groom called the great prehistorian and specialist in cave art, Jean-Michel Geneste (former curator and director of research at the Lascaux cave, heritage and director of the National Center for Prehistory and the multidisciplinary study program of the Chauvet-Pont d’Arc cave), with whom a lengthy interview has been reproduced in the catalog published on the occasion.