Saint Clair Cemin

The artist

Born in 1951 in Brazil, Saint Clair Cemin lives and works in Beijing, Paris and New York. In the 1990s he built his reputation on a revolutionary approach to sculpture rooted in a combination of ordinary shapes, references to craftwork and to historical sculpture. His works, built on a blend of precision crafting, noble materials and references to ancient Greece, Art Nouveau and surrealism, are as strangely humorous as they are sensual.



Born in 1951 in Cruz Alta, Brazil
Lives and works in Paris and New York

Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris


Oedipus, Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, USA

Even Banks Have Souls, Putschow Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland

Saint Clair Cemin, Um Gallery, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil
Saint Clair Cemin – Sculptures, Brasilea Stiftung, Basel, Switzerland
Psyche, Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, USA

Symbolista, Bolsa de Arte – São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Myth And Math, Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, USA

Fotini, Luciana Brito Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil

Saint Clair Cemin On Broadway, Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, USA
Six, Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, USA

O triunfo da Razao Natural, Luciana Brito Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil

Pensamentos, Bolsa de Arte – Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Splendeur et misère, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris, France

Escultura de Saint Clair Cemin, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo, Brazil

Witness, Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York, USA

Bejing Series, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris, France
Saint Clair Cemin, Galerie Alain Noirhomme, Brussels, Belgium

Obra Recente, Luciana Brito Galeria, São Paulo, Brazil
Saint Clair Cemin, Paolo Curti / Annamaria Gambuzzi & Co. Gallery, Milan, Italy

Saint Cair Cemin, Luciana Brito Galeria, São Paulo, Brazil
Saint Clair Cemin, Galerie Baudoin Lebon, Paris, France

Gods of the People, Sikkema Jenkins &Co., New York, USA

Saint Clair Cemin, Sperone Gallery, Rome, Italy
Saint Clair Cemin, Bolsa de Arte – Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Wind, Cheim & Read, New York, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Museo De Arte Moderno, Mexico City, Mexico

Saint Clair Cemin, Carrie Secrist Gallery, Chicago (IL), USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Casa ITESO Clavigeo, Guadalajara, Mexico

Saint Clair Cemin – Sculpture, Lever House Art Collection, Lobby Gallery, New-York, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Camargo Vilaça Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil

Saint Clair Cemin, Galerie Alain Noirhomme, Brussels, Belgium
Sculpture, Cheim and Read, New York, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Enrique Guererro Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico
Saint Clair Cemin, The Arts Club of Chicago, Chicago, USA

Perspective 2 : Saint Clair Cemin, Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham (Alabama), USA
Chimera, Baumgartner Gallery, Washington DC, USA
Man Woman Tree Hand Boat House Car Golem, Lars Bohman Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden

Saint Clair Cemin, Robert Miller Gallery, New York, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Camargo Vilaça Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil

Saint Clair Cemin, Camargo Vilaça Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil
Sculptures, Gian Ferrari Contemporanea, Milan, Italy
Saint Clair Cemin, Robert Miller Gallery, New York, USA

Escultura de Saint Clair Cemin, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Monterrey, Mexico
Saint Clair Cemin, Galerie Camargo Vilaca, São Paulo, Brazil
Saint Clair Cemin, Galerie Lars Bohman, Stockholm, Sweden
Saint Clair Cemin, Robert Miller Gallery, New York, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris, France

Saint Clair Cemin : About Materials, The Greenberg Gallery, St-Louis, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Saint Clair Cemin, Barbara Farber Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands

New Sculpture, Robert Miller Gallery, New York, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Soledad Lorenzo Gallery, Madrid, Spain
The Human Condition, Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, USA

Saint Clair Cemin, Witte de With, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Directions – Saint Clair Cemin (curated by Franck Gettings), Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden – Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Baumgartner Gallery, Washington, USA
Recent Sculpture, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Santa Monica, USA

Saint Clair Cemin, Saint Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund, Sweden
Saint Clair Cemin, Massimo Audiello Gallery, New York, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Sperone Westwater Gallery, New York, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France

Saint Clair Cemin, Gian Enzo Sperone Gallery, Rome, Italy
Saint Clair Cemin, Massimo Audiello Gallery, New York, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles, USA

Saint Clair Cemin, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago, USA

Saint Clair Cemin, Massimo Audiello Gallery, New York, USA

Saint Clair Cemin, Daniel Newburg Gallery, New York, USA

Saint Clair Cemin, Daniel Newburg Gallery, New York, USA

Saint Clair Cemin, Beulah Land, New York, USA

Saint Clair Cemin, Projecta Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil
Saint Clair Cemin, The Red Bar, New York, USA

Saint Clair Cemin, Guinard Gallery, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Saint Clair Cemin, Projecta Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil

Saint Clair Cemin, The White Room, Hasselt, Belgium

Saint Clair Cemin, Projecta Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil
Saint Clair Cemin, Guinard Gallery, Porto Alegre, Brazil


20 Forever, Hydra School Project, Hydra, Greece
Glasstress 2019, Fondazione Berengo Art Space, Murano, Italy

Troposphere: Chinese and Brazilian Contemporary Art, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China
Pontresina Inaugrual Group Show, Plutschow Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland

Pontresina Inaugural Group Show, Putschow Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland
The School, Jack Shainman Gallery, New York, USA
The Coffins of Paa Joe and the Pursuit of Happiness, Jack Shainman Gallery, New York, USA

Drawing Room, David Nolan Gallery, New York, USA
5ª Bienal Internacional de Grabado ICPNA 2016, Bienal Internacional de Grabado ICPNA, Lima, Peru

Surrealism : The Conjured Life, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (MCA), Chicago, USA
Là où commence le jour, Dans le cadre de lille3000 – Renaissance, Lille Métropole musée d’art moderne, d’art contemporain et d’art brut, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
10th Mercosul Biennial – Messages From a New America, Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Cruce de colecciones, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (CAAM), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Literary Devices, Fisher Landau Center For Art, New York, USA
Uber-Bodies, Hydra School Project, Hydra, Greece
Distrações da Memória : O Museu Como Modo de Rever o Mundo, Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul Ado Malagoli (MARGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil

Saint Clair Cemin – James Hyde – Jac Leirner, Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York, USA

Here Comes The Bogey-Man, CAM – Chelsea Art Museum, New York, USA

Cool and Collected, Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro, NC, USA

Cheim & Read, New York, USA

Secret Victorians/Contemporary Artists and a 19th Century Vision, The Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia, USA

Art of the Americas from The Chase Manhattan Collection, The Americas Society, New York, USA
Cheim & Read, New York
Precious Metals, Sculptures in gold and silver, Baldwin Gallery, Aspen, Colorado, USA / Elaine Baker Gallery, Boca Raton, Florida, USA / Imago Galleries, Palm Desert, California, USA / Galerie Simonne Sterne, New Orleans, USA /Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, USA
Rough Edge: Selections from the Broad Art Foundation, The Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, USA
The World Inside the World: Saint Clair Cemin, Abraham David Christian, Elliot Schwartz, Annina Nosei Gallery, New York, USA

17 Contemporaries, Artists from America, Italy, and Mexico – the Eighties, The Menil Collection, Houston, USA
Loaf, Baumgartner Gallery, New York, USA
78th Exhibition of Artist Members, The Arts Club of Chicago, Chicago, USA

Galleri Stefan Andersson, Umea, Swden
Defining Structures, LaSalle Gallery, NationsBank Plaza, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Decorative Strategies, Center for Curatorial Studies Museum, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, USA
Over the Mantle, Over the Couch, Tricia Collins Contemporary Art, New York, USA
The Shared Medium: A Latin-American Drawing Exhibition, Gallery A, Chicago, USA
Food, Marcel Sitcoske Gallery, San Francisco, USA
Secret Victorians, Contemporary Artists and a 19th- Century Vision, Firstsite, Minories Art Gallery, Colchester, UK / Arnolfini, Bristol, UK / Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, UK / Middlesbrough Art Gallery, Middlesbrough, UK / UCLA at the Armand Hammer Museum of Art, USA
Convivial, Tricia Collins Contemporary Art, New York, USA

Premio Marco 1996, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Monterrey, Mexico
Latin American Contemporary Artists, Robert Miller Gallery, New York, USA
Objectivity: International Objects of Subjectivity, Contemporary Art Center of Virginia, Virginia Beach, USA
Ut Scientia Pictura, Paolo Baldacci Gallery, New York, USA

Premio Marco 1995, Museo de arte contemporaneo de Monterrey, Mexico
The Mediated Object, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA, USA
Donald Baechler / Saint Clair Cemin: Painting and Sculpture from the Collection, Fisher Landau Center, Long Island City, NY, USA
Inside: The Work of St. Clair Cemin, California Center for the Arts Museum, Escondido, CA, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Daniel Senise, Beatriz Milhazes, Adriana Varejao, Quintana Gallery, Coral Gables, FL, USA
The Subverted Object, Ubu Gallery, New York, USA
Contemporary Latin American Artists, Galeria Ramis Barquet and Robert Miller Gallery, New York, USA

Zitelle Centro Culturale di Esposizione e Comunicazione, Venice Biennale, Italy
The Utsukushi-ga-hara Open-Air Museum, Japan
Seductive Manner, Rice University Art Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Sperone Westwater Gallery, New York, USA
Aids – A Heart as a Friend, Palazzo della Triennale, Milan, Italy
Altered & Irrational, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, USA

In the Spirit of Things, Stux Gallery, New York, USA
The Rushmore Festival, Woodbury, New York, scenic design for “Life is aDream” by Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Abstract Works on Paper, Robert Miller Gallery, New York, USA
6 Artists, Galeria Camargo Vilaca, Sao Paulo, Brazil, XXII Bienal Internacional de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Bienal Internacional de Sao Paulo, Fundacao Bienal de Sao Paulo, Brazil

Twenty Years Daniel Weinberg Gallery: A Series of Anniversary Exhibitions, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Santa Monica, California, USA
The 21st Century, Into the Future with Paracelsus, Kunsthalle, Basel, Switzerland
Drawing the Line Against Aids, American Foundation for AIDS Research International, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy
Space of Time: Contemporary Art from the Americas, Americas Society, New York; Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, USA

Doubletake, Collective Memory & Current Art, Hayward Gallery, Londres; Kunsthalle Wien, Austria
Play Between Fear & Desire, Germans van Eck Gallery, New York, USA
The Figure, Blum Helman Gallery, New York, USA
Transmodern, Baumgartner Galleries, Washington, DC, USA
Documenta IX, Kassel, Germany
Baziotes to Basquiat: 1950’s to 1990’s, Bellas Artes Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Concurrents, Grace Borgenicht Gallery, New York, USA
Fisher Landau Center, Long Island City, New York, USA

Saint Clair Cemin and Jessica Stockholder, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Between Intuition & Reason, Saint Clair Cemin / Jonathan Lasker, Grossman Gallery, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, USA
Little Things Mean A Lot, Momentary Modern, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, USA
Between Image and Identity, Between Identity and Tradition, Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Altrove; Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Prato, Italy
Anni Novanta / The Nineties, Galleria Communale d’Arte Moderna, Bologna, Italy
Rope, La Galeria Fernando Alcolea, Madrid, Spain
Contemporary Sculpture after 1970, Fondation Daniel Templon, Frejus, France
Sculptors’ Drawings, Bellas Artes, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
American Artists of the 80’s, Palazzo delle Albere, Museo Provinciale d’Arte Sezione Contemporanea, Trento, Italy

The Last Laugh: Irony, Humor, Self-Mockery, and Derision, Massimo Audiello Gallery, New York, USA
Specific Metaphysic, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, USA
Saint Clair Cemin, Richard Prince and Meyer Vaisman, Arthur Rogers Gallery, New Orleans, USA
The Last Decade / American Artists of the 80’s, Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York, USA
Vertigo, Galerie Thaddeus Ropac, Paris, France

Horn of Plenty, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Melencholia, Galerie Grita Insam, Wien, Austria
Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, USA
The Silent Baroque, Galerie Thaddeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria
Object/Objective – Reading Things Twice in Contemporary Sculpture, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris, France
MOCArt Auction ’88, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, USA
Artschwager / His Peers and Persuasion 1963-1988, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles, CA; Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, USA
Off White, Diane Brown Gallery, New York, USA
Art at the End of the Social, The Fredrik Roos Museum, Malmö, Sweden
The Binational American Art of the Late 80’s, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA, USA / Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, Germany / Kunsthalle Stuttgart, Germany.
The New Poverty II, Myers/Bloom Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, USA

Simila / Dissimila: Modes of Abstraction in Painting, Sculpture and Photography Today, Stadtische Kunsthalle, Dusseldorf, Germany / Columbia University, New York, USA / Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, USA / Sonnabend Gallery, New York, USA
The Antique Future, Massimo Audiello Gallery, New York, USA
Extreme Order, Lia Rumma Gallery, Naples, Italy
The New Poverty, John Gibson Gallery, New York, USA

Time After Time, Diane Brown Gallery, New York, USA
Canada, S.L. Simpson Gallery, Toronto, Canada
From the Gallery, Daniel Newburg Gallery, New York, USA
Modern Sleep, American Fine Art Co., New York, USA

Logosimuli, Daniel Newburg Gallery, New York, USA
Homage to Picabia, Art Cafe, New York, USA

Sculpture Survey, Virtual Garrison Gallery, New York, USA

Graphic Biennial, Lubiana, Yugoslavia

First latin american graphic arts biennial, Cayman Gallery, New York, USA

Pratt Graphic Center, New York, USA
Salao Nacional de Art do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Galeria Segno Grafico, Venice, Italy
Galeria Projecta, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, USA
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, USA
Rooseum, Stockholm, Sweden
Eli Broad Family Foundation, Los Angeles, USA
Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro, NC, USA
Fisher Landau Center For Art, Long Island, USA
Broad Contemporary Art Museum, Santa Monica, CA, USA
Malmö Konsthall, Sweden
Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo (MEIAC), Spain
Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul Ado Malagoli (MARGS), Brazil
Inhotim Centro de Arte Contemporânea, Brazil
MOCA Grand Avenue, USA



Saint Clair Cemin


This exhibition offers a panorama of works, original and multiple sculptures from 1995 to 2012 as well as some drawings that will allow the public to travel with this limitless Brasilean artist. Curator Marc Pottier