Maison de la Culture de la Province de Namur, Belgium
From March 17th to April 29 th 2012
Cette exposition associe les univers plastiques d’Oda Jaune et de Sandra Vásquez de la Horra dans une manifestation en forme de dialogue.
Envisagée sur les trois espaces de la Maison de la Culture (Hall, Espace Meuse, Espace Sambre), cette manifestation fait coexister deux expositions personnelles avec un projet de rencontre qui s’élaborera in situ et en collaboration avec les artistes. (…)
Yorkshire Sculpture Park, United Kingdom
From March 17th to July 1st 2012 YSP is showing a selection of never seen before small bronze sculptures from the House series, in the YSP Centre to celebrate the major exhibition of work by one of Britain’s leading sculptors at Chatsworth from 28 March to 1 July 2012. (…)
The Jewish Museum, New York, USA
Du 9 mars au 29 juillet 2012 One of the most significant young artists today, Kehinde Wiley is known for vibrant, large-scale paintings of young urban men, rendered in the self-confident, empowered poses typical of classical European portrait painting. (…)
Musée d’Art Moderne of Saint-Etienne Métropole, Saint-Etienne
From February 25th to May 28th 2012
The Musée d’Art Moderne of Saint-Etienne Métropole organizes from February 25th till May 28th, 2012 an exhibition dedicated to the work of Jan Fabre concentrating on his Bic ballpoint pen works.
We invite you to enter the poetic and sensitive universe of an exceptional creator. (..)
La Maison Rouge, Antoine de Galbert Foundation, Paris
From February 17th to May 20th 2012 From February 17th 2012, la maison rouge will stage the first major international exhibition of neon art from the 1940s to the present day. Some one hundred works will be presented in all, many of historical significance, many being shown for the first time. They will include pieces by such pioneers as Lucio Fontana from the early 1950s, François Morellet, Bruce Nauman, Stephen Antonakos, Joseph Kosuth and Mario Merz from the 1960s, and some of the many contemporary artists working in this medium, such as Jason Rhoades, Sylvie Fleury and Claude Lévêque. (…)
From January 28th to May 27th 2012 L’exposition « Robinson, ou la force des choses » réunit trois artistes issus du groupe Supports/Surfaces ayant entretenu un lien privilégié avec la région niçoise. Les rencontres et expositions réalisées sur le territoire demeurent d’ailleurs fondamentales dans leur parcours artistique. Le MAMAC se devait de revenir sur leurs pratiques respectives. (…)
Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israël
From January 21th to March 24th 2012 What does it mean to speak of “the persistence of painting”? In Berlin today, this expression represents a remarkable diversity of practices ranging from abstraction and realism to highly expressive, narrative, and post-narrative painting. These distinct painterly positions, which are represented by the 18 artists featured in this exhibitions, all involve a self-reflexive investigation of the painterly process and of the nature of contemporary painting. (…)
Embassy of France in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel
From January 19th to March 15th 2012 Chez Jean-Michel Alberola, les expositions deviennent souvent installations, comme lors de ses deux dernières expositions à la Galerie Templon (Paris), où il accueillait des visiteurs avec des murs peints. Il renouvelle cette expérience à l’Institut français de Tel Aviv dès le 19 janvier 2012 où il utilisera les murs de la « Bulle » pour peindre ses inspirations. (…)
HAB Galerie, Nantes
Du mercredi 7 décembre 2011 au samedi 5 février 2012 Du mercredi 7 décembre 2011 au dimanche 5 février 2012, le Centre d’art du Hangar à Bananes accueille l’exposition “Le réel est inadmissible, d’ailleurs il n’existe pas” réunissant des œuvres de Darren Almond, Marc Bauer, Philippe Cognée, Eberhard Havekost et Jim Jarmusch. (…)
Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, Paris, France
From October 21th 2011 to March 18th 2012
Mathematics: A Beautiful Elsewhere is a unique exhibition created by the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain with the aim of offering visitors, to use the mathematician Alexandre Grothendieck’s expression, “a sudden change of scenery.” The Fondation Cartier has opened its doors to the community of mathematicians and invited a number of artists to accompany them. They are the artisans and thinkers, the explorers and builders of this exhibition. (…)