Art in Focus – Rockefeller Center
Will Cotton donne vie à son monde imaginatif au Rockefeller Center de New York, dans le cadre d’une exposition d’art public comprenant des peintures murales plus grandes que nature et des sculptures captivantes, jusqu’au 31 mai 2025.
From cowboys taming unicorns to candy-colored worlds of sweetness, Rockefeller Center has been doused with a layer of fantastical surrealism this month, as multidisciplinary artist Will Cotton’s iconic imagery has taken over as part of the public art pop-up series Art in Focus.
“I hope that visitors will imagine themselves in a completely new environment, a place that feels at the same time familiar and totally foreign,” Cotton tells The Center Magazine of his works, which are spread across the campus, sandwiched in between doorways, sprawled across hallways, and brightening up windows displays with a sense of whimsy.
Best known for mixing and matching the themes of Americana, fantasy, and distinct realism, the acclaimed artist’s works have been seen around the globe from the San Francisco Museum of Art to Louvre-Lens in France, plus in the permanent collections of the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., and Princeton University Art Museum in New Jersey.
Will Cotton’s artwork will be on view throughout the Rockefeller Center campus (at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, 10 Rockefeller Plaza, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, 45 Rockefeller Plaza’s vitrines, and elsewhere) through May 31, 2025. This installation is part of Art in Focus, a series of art exhibitions produced in partnership with Art Production Fund.
Né en 1965 aux États-Unis, Will Cotton vit et travaille à New York. L’artiste appartient à cette génération de peintres américains qui renouvellent le langage de la peinture figurative. Il construit dans son atelier des assemblages géants de confiseries (maisons de pain d’épice, bonbons, montagnes de gâteaux, mers de chocolat) donnant la possibilité de créer une nouvelle réalité. Will Cotton conçoit ses toiles comme des utopies, explorant les notions de tentation et d’excès.