With Oil of Angels Oda Jaune delves into a theme as timeless as it is universal: unconditional love. Inspired by the poem “Touched by an angel” by Maya Angelou the paintings focus on the power of love through the fascinating prism of angels.

Publication Oda Jaune – Oil of Angels
Years 2025
Texts Anne Berest
ISBN ISBN 9782917515624
Pages 58 pages
Rate 15 €
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She paints because
Even in darkness
One angel—
One thread of light—
Can change everything.

Originaire de Bulgarie et formée en Allemagne, Oda Jaune a su, en plus de dix ans, bâtir une œuvre audacieuse, libérée des conventions. Sa peinture, à la fois poétique et visionnaire, parcourt les méandres de l’inconscient et tisse un langage qui flirte avec le surréalisme, invitant les spectateurs à explorer des émotions rarement mises en lumièreOriginally from Bulgaria, Oda Jaune has spent the decade or so since her studies in Germany creating an audacious body of work, unshackled by convention. Her art is both poetic and visionary, travelling the twists and turns of the subconscious in a language that flirts with surrealism, inviting the viewer to explore emotions rarely held up to the light.

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